Ichino Tundra Chapter 2- Promised

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~Chapter 2- Promised~

A boy and a girl came upon a large tree around Lupine Lake that had been uprooted from the ground from a recent storm. The damage was irreparable. The black haired Aero figured he might as well put it to use.

The 15-year-old squatted next to the tree, dug his hands under it, and with a groan, lifted it over his head. To test and push his own strength, he lifted it several times into the air with his arms before squatting with its weight on his shoulders, carefully balancing, it so it didn't fall.

"Let me try," The wide-eyed and tan-skinned Oopa said.

Aero dropped the tree to the ground with a thud, "It might be too heavy for you."

"Let's see," Oopa walked toward the uprooted log and tried to lift it. She gritted her teeth, digging her moccasin's into the ground as she strained her arms. For a brief moment, the log lifted off the ground before dropping back down.

"How are you so strong?" A breathless Oopa asked as she leaned down against the log.

Aero simply shrugged and sat beside her. When they were certain no adults were around to see them, the teenagers took each other's hands, and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I was thinking..." Oopa began, "If we have kids, I think I know what I'd want to name him."

Aero eyes widened, "It's a little early to think about that, isn't it?"

"We're just talking about it."

Aero nodded, "Okay, what would you want to name them?"

Oopa eagerly began, "Well, if we have a girl, I'd want to name them Oswana, after my grandmother."

Aero smiled, "I like that! What about a boy?"

"Aero Jr."

Aero frowned, "I don't think I like that."

"Why not?"

"That's my name! They should have their own."

Oopa wrinkled her nose, "Hmm, well do you have any ideas for a name?"

"I haven't really thought about it."

"Mmm, we have plenty of time to think about it."

On the periphery of the tribe was a small cave where a giant canine beast waited - a Chihuahua. A long-legged dog of grey and white hair, with a bulbous head. It stood at 3 meters when upright. Several could ride atop the Chihuahua, if the temperamental dog allowed them. But it would only allow Aero to ride him. The black-haired boy had named him Hopper.

Hopper rested peacefully in the cave. As soon as he saw Aero, the Chihuahua hopped to its feet with excitement. But when it saw Oopa accompanying him, it emitted a high-pitched growl.

Aero released Oopa's hand, "It's okay buddy, she's a friend, remember?" He walked up to Hopper, reaching up to scratch his side. The dog became more docile but was still tense around the girl.

"I'll get you to trust me eventually, Hopper," Oopa said with a smile.

Hopper curled up and promptly went back to sleep. The two returned to the tribal settlement, the hunting wolves wagged their tails excitedly as they drew close. Before entering the tribe, Oopa and Aero looked around to make sure no one saw them. They kissed for just a moment.

"Oopa! Aero!" A deep voice called out, and the two stepped away from each other quickly. It was Borjo, Oopa's father. A muscular and tall man, bronze-skinned with long black hair - the chief of the tribe. A large bow was strewn over his back; he must've just returned from another hunt.

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