Inmate Chapter 2- Sky Bandit Women

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~Chapter 2- Sky Bandit Women~

Brass was in the middle of one of his favorite stories when guards came to his cell. He set it down and prepared to link his cuffs behind him.

"Want me to man the library again?" Brass asked.

"Not yet. The Warden would like to meet with you," the stone guard replied.

"...Oh," Brass replied. With how predictable things had become in the prison, it didn't take much to surprise him. "Do you know what he needs?"

"Not sure."

Brass was escorted through a portion of the facility he was previously unaware of. They took a turn down an unexplored corridor and began climbing the winding staircase of a tower. Through the barred windows, Brass could see they were high above the prison.

On their way up, they passed by a large metallic circular hatch barring entry to whatever was beyond it. But it was far denser than the security measures in the rest of the prison, with sizable hatches keeping it fastened securely. Brass knew this special metal wasn't cheap to mold. Creating such an oversized door seemed unnecessary. Especially up here.

They passed by it and reached the top of the tower. Brass and the guards waited outside a wooden door.

The guard knocked, "Warden, we have Brass with us."

The door opened. In the doorway was a short Densius, wearing the Warden's signet on its shoulder. The rocks and minerals comprising its body were a teal color. While most Densius had a pair of eye stones to see, the Warden had several more strategically placed across its body, allowing it to always see its surroundings.

Warden Opal gave a rocky smile, "Come in, Brass."

Brass stepped in, and Opal promptly undid his cuffs. The Warden's quarters were simple. A desk, a bed, a few chairs, and a table. There was a horn set in the corner of the room. When anyone spoke into it, the sound reverberated through the prison, allowing one to make an announcement. There was a window in the room that provided a view of almost the entire prison.

"Wait outside for a moment," the Warden said to the guards, and they left the two of them alone.

Opal turned its back, but one of its rear eyestones still had a view of Brass, "Everyone seems to like you here, Brass."

"I suppose so. There are certainly a few who aren't fond of me."

Opal circled its desk, "They're the exception rather than the rule. I'd like you to do a favor for me."

"What were you thinking?"

"A gang called the Sky Bandits were just incarcerated here. But the authorities couldn't find any of the belongings they stole. They also captured all of them, except their leader."

"I'm not sure how I could help with that."

"I'd just ask you to keep an eye on them. Be friendly. If they happen to mention anything about their leader or where they're keeping their stash, let me know. Only if you want to help though. I won't force you."

"I suppose I can do that."

Opal's stone mouth smiled wide, "Excellent! I'll make sure you get additional time in the library as well. Maybe a few extra rations each day. If you discover something, I bet I could convince the mayor to reduce your sentence."

Brass winced when his sentence was mentioned. He composed himself and replied, "I certainly won't mind extra time in the library. But it's better if I don't get additional rations. That would only upset the other inmates."

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