Inmate Chapter 5 - Riches

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~Chapter 5- Riches ~

The next day, Brass was fetched by the guards and brought to the Warden's tower. As they made their way up the cascading steps, Brass's eyes lingered on that durable hatch along the wall. He was unsure of its purpose before. He hoped that he was wrong now.

The guards led him into the Warden's quarters at the top of the tower and left them to talk privately.

The Warden circled its desk, its stone arms folded behind it, "Any updates?"

Brass wanted to get it over with, "They know I'm working with you."

Opal furrowed its stony brows, "How?"

"Diva suspected me from the start. She was just playing along until now."

"Anything they might've given us until now must've been false leads then."

"Most likely," Brass took a breath, "There is one other thing. The women are convinced you're hoarding some sort of stash."

Opal's posture stiffened, "Did they?"

"Yes. They believed you had a hold on valuables you've kept from criminals. They were probing for information on where it might be."

"...What did you say?" Opal asked, drawing closer to Brass.

"I insisted there was no stash. But I absent-mindedly mentioned that if you had one, it might be in this tower," Brass said with a wince, "I'm sorry for that."

Opal frowned and began to pace back and forth.

"There... isn't a stash. Right?" Brass asked.

"Of course not," Opal snappily replied, "Is that all?"

"Two notes were left last night. One said Tower. They must be convinced that some stash exists here. The second was Focus. Whatever that means."

Opal's eyestones dilated, "Focus. Really?"

Brass took a step back, "Yes. Is that concerning?"

"Not neccessaril-"

A loud impact echoed from outside the tower, accompanied by a bright purple light that shone in from the Warden's window. Brass and Opal looked through the window and saw it originate from the women's wing of the prison.

A second burst of light erupted from that portion of the prison, this time a bright yellow color. Brass could see chunks of the prison's wall crumbling from this light. A third blue light exploded from inside the structure, tearing apart the walls around them as well.

More bursts of light suddenly emanated from the men's wing of the prison. This time with colors of Red, Blue, and Purple, each just as destructive as the others.

Opal's eye stones narrowed, "Cuff yourself. Now!"

Brass linked his wrist cuffs behind him, and followed Opal out of its quarters. As they left, the two guards in waiting looked unsettled.

"Something is happening!" A guard frantically said.

"Return this one back to his cell and prepare to quell the prisoners," Opal ordered.

"Yes, Warden!" The guards responded, grabbing Brass by the shoulder and hurried them down the stairs.

As they descended the tower, an announcement reverberated through the facility in the Warden's voice, "Prison break imminent! Guards follow your training and secure the facility. I want a quarter of the Elite guards to make their way to the Warden's tower to reinforce this position. All others focus on securing the key positions!"

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