Collector Chapter 3- Nang

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~Chapter 3- Nang~

Aero and Veena traveled atop Hopper. The great beast sprinted through the plains with ease.

"Digger used to be able to run around just like this," Veena commented.

They saw a large manor in the distance, with trees placed sporadically around them, a metal fence around its perimeter, and statues of mammoths sitting outside.

Aero was told by the bandit leader that a rich Phantine was the one behind the thefts of animals. The Phantine people had characteristics of elephants, with two tusks, a trunk, circular feet, large open ears, and generally bulkier arms and bodies. All the Phantine people Aero had met had been outstanding people. He was surprised to hear one did something so awful.

They stopped at a distance from the manor with a cover of trees around them. Aero hopped directly off of Hopper, while Veena waited until the Chihuahua lowered itself to the ground to dismount.

"This has to be the place," Aero said.

"So, what's your plan kid?" Veena asked.

"I'm going to go in there and ask where Digger is, and if he doesn't tell me, I'll beat him up," Aero proclaimed.

Veena winced, "That doesn't sound like a good idea!"

"Don't worry, I can handle it!" Aero smiled. He looked and saw Hopper gnawing at the base of a nearby tree, "Can you watch Hopper while I go in?"

"I can. Just be careful in there."

Aero smirked before sprinting towards the manor, jumping meters into the area to clear the perimeter fence. He marched directly to the entrance and began to bang on the front door as obnoxiously as possible.

The front door parted slightly, and Aero could see a thin Phantine man open the door wearing the attire of a butler. His skin tone had a green tint, and his brow was furrowed.

"Nang is not taking visitors today," The agitated Phantine replied.

Nang? That must be the owner of the manor, "I have to talk to him."

"Young man, I must ask you to leave," The Phantine said as he closed the door, but Aero jutted his foot in and forced it open.

Aero slid past the attendant and found himself in a great hall, with a large staircase leading up to the second floor. Expensive looking paintings adorned the walls, and the floor was shined to a sheen.

"Where is Nang?" Aero asked.

"Young man, you must leave!" The butler pleaded. He tried to grab Aero, but the boy skillfully stayed out of his range.

"What is all that racket?" A voice came from the top of the stairs. Aero looked and saw a Phantine with a round belly wearing striped orange and black robes. There were gold rings over each of his tusks, and he held a glass of wine in his trunk.


Aero jumped into the air and landed directly in front of Nang, "Where's Digger?"

"I beg your pardon?" Nang looked Aero up and down and gave him a disgusted look, eyeing his ruffled and dirty clothes.

"You paid some guys to steal a women's Chihuahua. They called you the Collector," Aero declared.

Nang stared at Aero with shifty eyes, "I'd never be involved with such a thing."

Aero looked at Nang's orange and black fur robes, clearly made from the pelts of tigers. They were small animals; it'd take numerous of them to make robes like that. Nang had to be the one behind Digger's abduction.

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