when you ignore them

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- thinks it's a prank at first and tries his best to make you laugh

- keeps asking what's wrong while hugging you

- when you continue to give him the silent treatment, he'll get worried and start to think back on every detail, wondering if he had done something wrong

- he might ask the other members for help if he doesn't know why you're ignoring him all of a sudden

- in the meantime, he would just give you space, and express his love through acts of service, spending the afternoon to clean and house and bake cookies for you

- by the evening, the two of you still hadn't exchanged any form of conversation, he couldn't take it anymore and went to your room to find out what was happening

- when he got to understand the situation and that you were in a bad mood not because of him, he would be extremely relieved and would forgive you instantly when you apologise for ignoring him

- he would cook dinner for you to cheer you up and watch a movie together, eating the cookies he had baked earlier


- when he came back home, he was expecting you to be on the couch scrolling through your phone, or watching a drama, but you weren't in the house

- he checked his messages to see if you had told him where you were going but you didn't leave him a text or a note

- he suddenly remembered the two of you had an argument that morning and that you were ignoring him

- began to get worried and called you several times while walking around the neighbourhood

- when you didn't pick up, he called your best friend too but she didn't know where you had gone either

- he decided to wait at home, ordering dinner to try to distract himself

- when you finally walked through the door, he jumped up, hugging you tightly, forgetting that he was supposed to be mad at you

- you apologised for worrying him and explained that your phone had ran out of battery when you went out to get groceries

- the two of you made up and things went back to normal


- when you ignored him after he came back from work in the evening, he got all pouty and upset, not knowing what was going on

- he would try to initiate conversation at first, but when you continue to ignore him, he would get a little mad, and ignore you too, staying in his room to avoid the start of a fight

- he knew it was stupid to ignore you back and he should try harder to understand the situation but he didn't dare to say anything, his pride being one of the reasons he held on without talking to you for a few hours

- when you finally stopped being in a bad mood, you went to his room and apologised, knowing you had hurt his feelings by doing that

- he would apologise for not trying to find out what's wrong and for being so childish, but made you promise that if you were ever in a bad mood again, you would tell him so that he could do something about it


- you were in a bad mood for no reason and didn't feel like talking to anyone, locking yourself in the room even before taehyun had come home

- when he came back, he knocked on the door to check up on you, worried that you were sick or unwell in any way

- when you gave single word responses and asked him to leave you alone for the time being, he would start to think of the worst case scenario, and was scared that you would leave him

- he wouldn't be used to not hearing your voice and hugging you for such a long time and sat outside your room, letting you know that when you were ready to talk, he'd be there

- when you finally came out of the room, he'd hug you tightly before guiding you to the living room, where there was your favourite food on the table, made for you by himself

- when you apologise, he would tell you that it's okay and that he was just really worried about you and told you that he would be there to listen to you if you needed him


- the previous day, kai had a tough day at work from recording songs for their new album and from what you heard from soobin, kai had struggles recording a particular track and was in a bad mood because of it

- you prepared his favourite food hoping to cheer him up, but when he came home, he walked straight past you and locked himself in his room, not even bothering to say hi

- at first, you tried to talk to him through the door, asking him to come out to eat, but when he continued to ignore you, you got a little upset and just placed his dinner outside his room and ate on your own

- the next morning, kai was back to his usual bubbly self while you were still feeling affected by his lack of response and as a result, didn't reply to his questions when you were making breakfast

- he instantly remembered what happened the previous night and felt guilty, apologising to you for ignoring you when you were trying to make him feel better

- you hugged him, admitting that you should've been more patient knowing that he was feeling terrible about himself for needing to spend so much time in the recording room


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