favourite places to kiss

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you love kissing his pouty lips, finding it cute how he would blush when you take the initiative to kiss him

- "i love you" "i love you more"

- you love it when you can feel him smiling into the kiss and can't help but place multiple pecks all over


he loves kissing the back of your hands, often holding up your intertwined fingers, grazing his lips over your knuckles gently

- "your hands fit perfectly in mine as if they were meant to be held by me"

- he also loves neck kisses and would snuggle his head into the crook of your neck, placing kisses along your collarbone



you love kissing his button nose, finding it absolutely adorable when he cracks a small smile, his dimples appearing on either side of his cheek

- "my dimples are on permanent display because of you"

- you can't resist the urge to poke his dimples and he just lets you do whatever you want


he loves kissing your forehead, and finds the height difference between the two of you really cute

-  "why are you so cute?"

- would lean over and kiss your forehead while you were still sleeping before he goes to work every day, and sometimes he can't help but steal a kiss on your parted lips after that, another place he loves to kiss you



you love kissing his ears and find it endearing how his ears would turn red when brush your lips against the shell of his ear

- "your ears are so red" "shut up"

- he would blush so hard whenever you point it out and would bury his head into your neck, sneaking a few kisses there


he loves peppering your face with kisses randomly, seeing you giggle whenever he does that makes his heart flutter

- "gyu, it tickles!"

- will cup your cheeks with his hands and kiss you till you feel better when you had a bad day

- he also loves kissing your bare shoulder as he rests his chin there, watching you do your work



you love kissing the corner of his eyes, especially when they crinkle when he smiles, his eyes shining like they held galaxies in them

- "have i ever told you how pretty your eyes are?" "i know"

- the way he looks at you as if you are the only thing that matters makes your heart flutter every time


he loves to kiss the corners of your lips, and intentionally takes his time, teasing you while you pretend to sulk

- "you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?" "so what if i am?"

- most of the time you just let him be, unless you're impatient that day and just kiss him directly on the lips without saying anything, he finds it hot when you do that

huening kai:


you love kissing the moles on his face, peppering his face with kisses, and love how he would pout when you missed a spot

- "you missed a spot here" "...there"

- you also love kissing his nose, especially the small bump on his nose bridge you find absolutely endearing


he loves to kiss you on your cheeks, and always can't hold back the urge to squish them first before planting a kiss on each cheek

- "one here... and another... here"

- he also loves kissing he back of your hand, and holds your hand so delicately, making you feel like a princess whenever he does that


A/N: feeding the delulus 

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