"i like you" part 2

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Requested by: haikyuu2212      

"High school? Is Beomgyu going?" She enquired. I told her about Beomgyu when we became good friends and Jiwon was the one who counselled and comforted me, allowing me to move on from him.

"Yep. Should I go?" I kicked off my bedroom slippers and flopped onto my bed, mumbling into the pillow.

"Of course! You need to show him that you're doing perfectly well without him and it's his loss he didn't accept your confession. I already know what you should wear to the reunion!" Jiwon clapped her hands with glee, a plan probably already forming in her head.

"I don't know..." I flipped on my back and faced the ceiling. "What if we get into another fight or something?"

"Relax, I don't think that will happen, besides, you probably miss your ex-classmates, just treat it as a normal meeting-up with friends and enjoy yourself. You need a break from all the studying anyways." She added, propping her chin with one hand.

"Soooo?" She prodded, smiling slyly, knowing I was convinced by her from the look of defeat on my face.

"Alright, I'll go. But no dressing me up in anything too much." I warned as she cheered, amusingly more excited than me.

The week passed seemingly quicker than the others and before I knew it, reunion day was here. "Rise and shine sleepyhead!" Jiwon called, drawing the curtains back, allowing the bright sunlight to make its way into the room. I groaned, burrowing my head into the pillow, too tired to get up.

"Come on, you have to get going soon if you don't want to be late for the gathering." She urged as I opened one eye to peek at my alarm clock. 11.30 A.M. "It's not even close to the scheduled time yet, why are you rushing me?" I deadpanned and closed my eye again.

But as expected, Jiwon managed to pull me out of bed a few minutes later and set my daily breakfast of avocado toast on the table along with a glass of milk. "Thanks," I mumbled, stifling another yawn.

"Welcome, now eat up and we'll go through your closet for something to wear later." Her face was glowing with sheer joy and excitement, opposite to the lethargy I was feeling.

"Y/n. Do you have any dresses or something cute to wear later?" Jiwon asked while rummaging through my closet and pulling out one outfit after another, shaking her head. "Uh, no? I don't have the chance to wear those often so I don't have any." Jiwon grimaced, probably judging my fashion choices and went over to her closet as if searching for something through the endless racks of dresses and skirts. "Aha!" She exclaimed after pulling out a black dress. The dress had translucent puffed sleeves, a sweetheart neckline and straps at the back. In short, it was something I would ever dare to wear.

"No way am I going to wear that." I shuddered, backing away from her. "You'll look good in it, trust me. With your proportions, you're sure to pull it off." She encouraged me, pushing the hanger into my hands and ushering me to the washroom to change. Knowing that it was useless to argue with her when she was fixed on something, I sighed, hoping that she was right.

I slipped on the dress, feeling a little insecure about the open-back design. When I was done, I examined the fit in the mirror. The dress fit nicely and complimented my dark hair. I guess it was alright...

"How's the dress?" I heard Jiwon call from outside the washroom. "Come in and judge yourself," I called back as she immediately barged in and let out a dramatic gasp. "Girl, you look stunning. I might even consider giving the dress to you after this, it suits you more." She smiled, her eyes curving into two crescents. I blushed from the wave of compliments suddenly thrown at me as she continued praising me, saying how all the guys would be asking me out after tonight, to which I laughed in response.

After styling my hair into soft waves and giving me a makeover, Jiwon stepped back in satisfaction. "Look how beautiful you are, you should let me do this more often." She beamed as I widened my eyes at what her skilful hands did. "I look...nice," I said slowly, still processing the image in the mirror. The pale pink blush she dusted on my cheeks made me look fresher and more alive than what I was feeling and the pearl eyeshadow and mascara made my dark brown eyes stand out more. "Thank you Jiwon!" "Anything for you, now you should probably get going, I won't hold you back any longer and don't forget to tell me everything that happened when you come back!" She said, handing me my purse before literally pushing me out of the door. The door slammed and I blinked. Oh well, I guess I'll get going.

One of my ex-classmates offered to host the reunion at her place, and I made my way there, feeling more nervous the more I thought about it. Before long, I was standing on her front lawn, which was neatly pruned and saw many pairs of shoes already outside the door. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I knocked gingerly on the door and was met with Beomgyu's face, mirroring my awkward expression. He was even more handsome than I remembered and was way taller, easily half a foot taller than me. "Y/n! You're here! Come in for the refreshments!" My ex-classmate called out excitedly from behind Beomgyu as soon as she saw me and I side-stepped Beomgyu and made my way in, wincing as our shoulders accidentally brushed each other lightly.


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