mornings with them

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- "babe, wake up, you're gonna be late for work," you said, tapping your boyfriend gently but urgently

- "hm?" you heard him mumble under his breath as he opened his eyes, blinking multiple times as they adjusted to the light

- "yeonjun called to ask if you had overslept, said something about the interview you have an hour later, if you take my car, you might still make it in time-"

- "oh shit. shit shit shit. i forgot to set my alarm," soobin sprung up from the bed, running to the bathroom

- you quickly went to the kitchen to prepare his food, knowing he might skip breakfast in a hurry to get to work

- he came out of the bathroom dressed in a white shirt and slacks, still looking a little puffy from the good night's rest

- "take my car, i'll just take a cab to work. oh, and i prepared sandwiches for breakfast, eat it on the way to work, okay?"

- suddenly, you felt his lips against yours, "what would i ever do without you," you heard soobin whisper and smiled


- you were woken up by the sun rays flashing through the blinds and looked up to see if yeonjun was awake but he was still very much asleep, his arm draped across your waist

- the two of you had gone on your weekly friday movie date night and reached home in the wee hours of the morning, conking out immediately after your heads hit the pillow

- brushing away the few strands of hair that were covering his face, you reached up to press a kiss against his jaw, once, twice, and you gasped on the third time as you felt him smile against your lips

- "morning," he mumbled incoherently against your lips. "it's 12 noon babe, i don't think we can call it morning anymore." you chuckled, brushing your fingers through his hair idly

- "should we get up now?" "or maybe we could stay like this for just a little longer?" "bet."

- the two of you ended up falling asleep unintentionally, only waking up when it was a little past 3pm and decided to grab a late lunch at the pizza place near the apartment


- you woke up to find yourself lying on the edge of the bed, with beomgyu taking up almost the whole bed, his guitar on the other end

- you suddenly remembered how you had woken up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and couldn't fall asleep, accidentally waking up your boyfriend too

- beomgyu had decided to play his guitar for you until you fell asleep but probably forgot to keep it back when he dozed off

- you glanced at a sound-asleep beomgyu, failing to fight a smile from your lips

- even after being together for years, you couldn't get over how adorable he looked when sleeping

how was it possible to look so cute just sleeping? you thought, still staring at him shamelessly

- "were you going to keep staring at me instead of waking me up?" you jumped a little when he suddenly spoke, his husky morning voice snapping you out of your daze

- "who said i was staring at you," you denied instantly, looking anywhere but his face, as he chuckled, turning your reddening face towards him before bringing you into a kiss


- even before you opened your eyes, you could smell the buttery smell of waffles and maple syrup, paired with freshly roasted coffee beans

- "shit, that smells heavenly," you groan, hearing a chuckle from the door

- taehyun was leaning against the door frame, nursing a cup of coffee while you get up, rubbing your eyes drowsily

- "i prepared breakfast, your favourite," he said, and you crack a smile before covering your mouth with one hand to hide a yawn

- when you washed up and got to the dining table, you couldn't help but hug your boyfriend, pecking his lips before attacking the waffles as if you haven't eaten in weeks

- "if i knew you would react this way, i might just start preparing breakfast for you every day from today onwards," he joked, not expecting you to nod furiously, your cheeks puffed with the food he lovingly prepared

- "thish ish sho goosh," (this is so good) you mumbled, swallowing the last of the waffles, earning a whipped smile from taehyun, who was probably actually going to start preparing breakfast for you everyday


- kai was preparing to go to work earlier than usual, and didn't feel like his best condition due to how little sleep he got, but despite all that, he took extra care in being careful not to wake you as you had a long day of work the previous day

- before he went out of the room, he glanced towards you, noticing how the blanket wasn't covering you well and quickly tip-toed over to your side, gently pulling the covers over your shoulders

- while doing so, he couldn't help but kiss you on the forehead before making his way out of the room but felt a tug on his sleeve

- "you're leaving for work so early?" you mumbled, only half-awake at that moment

- "did i wake you up? i was trying to be quiet so that i wouldn't disturb you, you had a tough day yesterday...i have an interview later," kai said at once, apologizing for waking you up while you smiled at his thoughtfulness

- "you didn't disturb me, good luck with your interview!" you said, wrapping your arms around his waist and he pulled you in for one last hug before he tucked you back in, feeling much better with your encouragement

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