meeting your parents for the first time

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- when you told him that your parents were asking to meet him for dinner, he instantly freaked out, though he was trying hard not to show it, but you knew from how his leg started bouncing on its own accord

- "what should i wear?" "what if they don't like me?" he asked, not even giving you time to answer as he went through scenario after scenario of what could go wrong

- "babe, calm down. everything's going to be fine, i bet my parents would love you, don't worry too much and treat it like a normal dinner. most importantly, be yourself. i want to show them the man i fell in love with, in his realest, cutest state," you said, kissing his cheek, and that helped to calm his nerves, at least for the time being

- as you had predicted, your parents absolutely adored him, from his first impression: dressed in a dark blue polo tee with slacks that made him look like the perfect son-in-law, to how he interacted with them and answered their questions

- despite being a nervous wreck inside and feeling as if he was taking an exam, he tried to answer every question calmly, looking for you to give him a reassuring smile every time he stuttered or felt as if he messed up (spoiler: he did not mess up at all, in fact, your parents were giving each other looks that you recognised was silent approval) and on more than one occasion, your mum was nudging your dad, not so quietly whispering how she thought your boyfriend was absolutely adorable, especially how his dimple showed whenever he smiled shyly

- "how do you feel?" you asked once you had gotten into the car. "it went better than i expected, your parents were so sweet, it made me less nervous," he responded, still sounding a little breathless but looked relieved that he didn't make a fool out of himself

- "i'm sure they loved you, i saw how my mum was so ready to ask me to bring you into the family right there and then. don't be surprised if they ask you to come back next week," you joke and soobin's ears turned red, squeezing your intertwined fingers gently

- sure enough, your dad texted you that night, saying your mum was already complaining about how she missed her future son-in-law already and wanted to have dinner together again the following week


- when you told him that your parents wanted to meet him that weekend, his chopsticks bringing ramyeon to his mouth froze mid-air and he blinked before asking you to repeat, feeling both light-headed and giddy with excitement, while still being extremely nervous

- he would literally watch kdramas just to see how the male leads act when they meet the female lead's parents for the first time and practice by himself in front of the mirror whenever you weren't looking

- the times when you caught him practicing in front of the mirror were absolutely adorable and you would stand silently at the door, watching his attempts to be the perfect son-in-law candidate until he finds out you're watching and gets embarrassed about it

- when you teased him about it, he had gotten all pouty and showered you with kisses just to make you stop talking, which you thought was honestly a good trade, and tried to tease him whenever you got the chance to

- on the actual day, he got so nervous that his brain stopped working and he couldn't even put together an outfit to meet your parents that you had to step in and pull out clothes for him

- but the moment the two of you stepped through the door of your parents' house, it was as if he had become the actors in the dramas he had watched, his movements calm and collected, while still maintaining his day to day charm

- your parents absolutely loved him, especially when he couldn't stop talking about how his mum always prepared an extra portion of food just for you when he brings you over during his weekly visits to his parents' house

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