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Onika's POV
July 12

"Wake up!" Nilaya shook me awake.

When I opened my eyes, she was hovering above me, with her phone light flashing me.

"Little girl, if my alarm hasn't gone off then I shouldn't be awake." I rasped, nudging her off of me. "And get that phone out of my face."

"Mean." She scoffed. "We need to go wake Zammy."

"That's what my alarm was for." I closed my eyes, rolling over.

Nilaya shook me again and I released a sigh. "I have the poppers ready. Come on. Mama's in the kitchen and Mary's already made breakfast."

"Ok, cupcake. Just give mommy one more minute." I raised a finger and the room fell silent.

Just as I prepared to relax again, my alarm started going off. Of course.

"Your minute's up." She began poking me.

I had to remember she was my child because if she was anyone else, we would've been tussling.

"Nilaya Rose-"

"Ok, I'll stop." She giggled, laying down beside me.

It took me a second to fully wake up, but when I did, Nilaya stayed put. She busied herself with her phone as she got comfortable in my bed.

I sighed, slipping on my morning shoes and walking into my bathroom. After flicking the light on, I went straight into my pre-shower hygiene routine.

My first born was turning 17. I vividly remembered the day she made me a mother. I swore nothing in the world could be more precious than her. All because of her, I got my life together. Maybe not in the way most people would consider, but it was what worked for me.

I turned around, heading out of my bathroom. I wasn't too surprised to see all of my kids now in my room, along with their mama.

"Morning, Nick." Beyoncé greeted.

I glanced over in her direction, flashing a small smile. "Hi, Beyoncé."

"Mommy's an alien!" Cavalli shouted, seeing I had on a face mask. I grinned, walking towards her.

I swiped my cheek with my index finger, then touched her nose, leaving some green substance on it.

"Now she's infecting everyone." Armani added and the both of them giggled.

I let out a quiet laugh as I strolled over to my closet to grab my robe. I tightened it around my body, reentering my room.

"Come on." I said, getting all of their attention.

Everyone followed behind me in a single-file line as we headed to Zamora's room. Nilaya was strict on her younger siblings being quiet, so she kept shushing them.

We made it to Zamora's bedroom door, where I did a count of 3 on my hands.

"3...2...1!" I opened her bedroom door, and we serenaded her with the birthday song.

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