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Onika's POV
Houston, TX
June 4

"Thank you so much, Karl."

We shared a hug as soon as the meeting wrapped up. He never normally came to the Chanel meetings, but he did today because I asked him specifically to be there.

"Anything for you, my love." He murmured, pecking my cheek.

I watched him slyly wait for everyone to leave the room before speaking again.

"I just want to remind you, I have that rough sketch for you, still in my safe in Berlin." He announced. "That's our foundation for the you know what."

He was talking about my wedding gown design. I started working on it with him before I got pregnant with Cavalli and Armani.

"And why is this a topic of discussion for us?" I raised a brow, awaiting his response. "Who's been in your ear?"

I was genuinely curious, because I hadn't thought about the contents of his safe in over half a decade. Of course I cared, but 7 years is a long time to try dwell on dreams.

"Let's just say, I've been made aware of a certain blonde being back in business." I sighed. "How is my favourite couple, by the way?"

"You know I'm with Quinton, Karl." I deadpanned him and he knowingly chuckled.

"Do you know that?"

"Oh? You want to play wid me? I'm about to liquidate all my shares-" I humoured and we both shared a laugh. "But seriously, it's not even something I can speak on right now."

"So I should wait until you get back with her?" He questioned and I gasped.

"Karl?!" I tilted my head, looking at him. "That's not what I was implying at all."

"Your tone has a mind of its own. I'll tell you that for free." He chuckled, placing some shades on his face. He wore his signature pair. "What will you be doing for the rest of the day?"

"I have a busy day. I have meetings and a televised interview." I explained with a deep exhale.

He gave me some words of advice before we parted ways.

Julius met me in the lobby of the building and helped me into the back of the Maybach, before Joseph pulled away.

I was driven off to my restaurant for a meeting and once that was done, I was off to my interview.

I had to catch a quick flight to Dallas because that's where they were hosting it.

I was proud to say that I was the cover of Time Magazine, as one of the 100 most influential people of the year. The idea of being the cover of any magazine was insane.

"Good afternoon, Mrs Knowles." A man greeted me the second I was out of my vehicle.

Julius was in my peripheral, so I didn't need to worry.

"Good afternoon." I responded with a stiff smile. "Sorry, what should I refer to you as?"

"How rude of me. I'm Lee. I'll just be a helping hand if you need me." He explained. "Right this way."

I followed after him and he took me to a dressing room. After explaining the events of the evening for me, he left so I could get glammed.

"What time is it?" I asked Julius, who was stood off to the corner.

"3:05pm. Your interview starts at around 4:15pm." He told me. I murmured a small 'thank you' as some people entered the room to spruce me up.

My hair and makeup were done simultaneously, as someone displayed the different clothing options to me.

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