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Onika's POV
May 15

I wasn't going to lie, I missed Quinton.

He may have been corny and clingy but he was a nice guy. He was always there for me as a friend.

That's why I asked him to come and eat out with me. I wanted to apologise for quite literally threatening his life. Even if the gun had no ammo in it.

Plus, looking back on it, he didn't aggressively grab me or anything like that. He only tugged on my arm when I walked away. It's not like he was trying to leave a bruise.

In comparison to Meek, it was like he tapped my arm.

I was seated in my office waiting for him to show up. I was hoping he would. I actually did want to talk to him.

So I busied myself with sharpening pencils and reorganising my desk. One of these days I was going to change the lay out of my office.

There was a knock at my door, followed by someone ushering Quinton into my office. I thanked them before asking him to sit down.

"You wanted to talk?" He spoke and I noticed the almost faded scar on his lip.

"I wanted us to have a conversation about what happened." I folded my arms over my desk, looking directly at him.

"I wanted to say something too but I'm always the one coming to see you. So I waited for you to want to see me." He explained.

He sounded soft as hell.

Maybe he was scared I'd pull another gun out on him.

"Well, I'm sorry for aiming my gun at you and hitting you with it." I apologised.

"Why did you do it though? I won't lie, that shit was random as hell."

This wasn't a conversation I wanted to have but I was going to have to justify the whole gun thing.

"It triggered me."


"I don't take well to people randomly grabbing me the way you did." I explained.

"Oh." He held a shocked expression on his face as he caught on to what I was trying to say. "Well, I'm sorry that I triggered anything. I wouldn't hurt you."

I shrugged. "From now, I say tread a little lightly. I know some people that wouldn't mind knocking off a few heads." I warned.

I was some people.

"Ok." He chuckled and I laughed too. "Well, I want to truly apologise for hurting you, babe. I love you."

I grimaced but quickly covered it with a smile and stood up. "Let's go get some food."

"Cool because I'm hungry." He joked and led the way out of my office. We walked into the kitchen where I collected two boxes of food before walking out with Quinton.

"Just follow my car." I told him as we parted ways.

I got in my car and drove home.

"What's up with your clothes?" Quinton asked as we finished eating.

"What about them?" I asked and looked down at my work attire.

"I know it's been two months but I swear you refused to wear clothes that showed your chest." He observed.

"You don't like it?" I teased.

"N-no, I like it. It's just different. I've never seen you wear clothes like these. That's it." He defended himself.

"To be honest, I have no reason why my dress sense had changed." I said. "Maybe because it's summer time now."

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