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Kelendria's POV
March 14

"I told the kids yesterday." Onika said over the phone. "Have you told the boys yet?"

"No, but I'm about to." I explained to her as finished up a snack. "Time got home from that trip yesterday, so I can tell all three of them."

"I'm scared Mora already told Titan." She said. "They were in the phone most of last night."

"He would've already said something, I think." I replied, walking over to the living room. I pushed the lace curtain aside, seeing if they were home yet. "Tim's car is pulling up right now, let me call you back."

I could see the L sign on the car, so I knew Titan was in the front seat. I squinted my eyes a little and could see Tim in the passenger seat and Noah's head peaking from the back.

"Sure. We can tell mama after you tell the boys."

"Ok-" She hung up almost immediately and I just looked at the phone.

I rolled my eyes, preparing for my boys to come in the house asking for food.

Not even a minute later, they were walking through the door and asking for something to eat. I rolled my eyes but told them to grab fruit or something along those lines.

"Hurry and come to the living room!" I hollered as my sons headed to the kitchen.

Tim walked up to me, placing a small kiss on my lips and I grinned. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my waist as we deepened the kiss.

"I will get to cutting the grass, like you asked." He randomly said. "If you come out there and keep me company."

"Today?" I questioned, holding his head in my hands, basically massaging it.

He thought for a second. "You sound like you're about to be busy."

"Well after I say what I need to say, I'm going to get Nicki and see mama." I said. "Raincheck?"

"This weekend?"

"That's perfect, actually." I smiled, pecking his lips one last time.

The boys entered the room both holding Lays in their hands.

"Sit." I instructed and they all got seated, including Tim.

I stood in front of the tv, making sure their eyes were on me.

"I left a few days ago to see someone." I started. "It was BeyBey."

Titan immediately furrowed his brows just looking at me, along with Tim. Noah was still a little too young to remember her.

"You want us to believe you saw someone whose funeral we attended?" Titan said, trying to debunk what I was saying. "Sure."

"No, I'm being so serious." I held my hands up. "I swear on Minnie's grave."

That was a raggedy mouse Beyoncé and I caught when we were 12 and 13.

I remember she set used it to scare Destiny by letting it chase her. That same day, pops beheaded it and Beyoncé and I had a funeral for it.

Ever since, I swore on its life to make people believe me in things.

"That's your sister, right?" Noah asked.

I nodded. "Mhm and she's in Houston right now. She's alive and doing well."

"Was she taken by a kartel or something?" Titan questioned.

"No." I shook my head, tilting my head with a hint of concern. "She's fine is all that matters."

"Mora was acting secretive all day, so imma assume it's about this." He said.

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