Chapter 25: A mother's concern

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After Arbella and Vargos had left to go to the Prime Realm, Olga and Vevona were sitting in the living room and looking at pictures and videos of Vargos and his brothers when they were young and Olga could hardly contain the joy in her heart.

"He looks so adorable!" Olga squealed as she looked at her husband's cute baby face.

"Isn't he? And this is just one of the many I have stored away in my memory. Vevona then made another image appear on the magic screen in front of them. "This one here is when he started walking on his own towards me."

The image was of a baby Vargos when he couldn't have been no older than a few months. He was slowly walking towards Vevona with a determined gaze and Olga wanted to squeeze him in her chest with all her love.

"Now see how he walked," Vevona said as the image then started to move and Vargos walked closer and closer to his mother, only to stumble and fall. He got back up with even more determination and finally made it into Vevona's arms with a bright smile.

"It's just too cute. I think my heart might explode," Olga said happily and Vevona nodded her head in agreement.

This interaction continued until Vevona stopped showing her memories to Olga and looked at the dark elf.

"Is everything alright?" Olga asked.

"Thank you," Vevona said with appreciation.

Olga was surprised by this. "What for?"

"For making my son so happy." Vevona then smiled and hugged Olga again. "As their mother, I want nothing but the best for my boys. Especially considering the monumental task they have been given to them unfairly. I truly worry that they will crack from the pressure every day. Especially Vargos, with how he thinks too much about things."

Olga was reminded of what her husband and all the other Angelos are tasked with doing and she sighed deeply. "Your son has been nothing but loving towards me. I should be thanking you for raising him to be so amazing." She shed a tear as she thought about how much her life has changed so much since she met him.

"I only did what any self-respecting mother would do," Vevona added. She then put on a somber smile. "As you know, the Angelos are not beings that crave sex like many other mortals. They could go without it their whole lives if they wanted to but they all feel obligated to make more of their kind for the sake of their mission and to appease their parents who want grandchildren."

Olga nodded her head. "Yeah. Vargos told me that much."

"Well there is something else about their physiology that you should know about."

Olga raised an eyebrow at this. "What is it?"

"Before I tell you..." Vevona sighed a bit and squeezed Olga's hand. "Promise me you won't tell Vargos."

Olga was a bit worried where this was going as she didn't like keeping secrets from Vargos, especially since he was prone to finding them out rather easily. Since this was her mother-in-law however, she felt obligated to at least do this much for the woman that cultivated such an amazing husband for her. "I promise," she said with slight hesitation.

"I assure you it isn't bad. In fact, you will find it so entertaining that you won't help but want to embrace Vargos when you see him again," Vevona explained with a chuckle, making Olga relax a bit. "You see young one, the Origin made a number of rather interesting modifications to my husband's original blueprint for the Angelos and one of such changes involves their affinity with love, as I'm sure you are all too aware of."

Olga grinned. "It's what makes them so adorable," she said.

"Exactly, but it goes deeper than that. You see, since they can only feel love and not lust like most mortal beings, they have a higher threshold than everyone else when it comes to the chemical in the brain that produces the feeling that is commonly referred to as 'love.'

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