Chapter 1: An unnerving arrival

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Outside of the Dark Citadel was as bleak as ever with the red sky and dead trees that littered the area around. The corpses of some monsters were lying about, having been killed in the rather short battle that had taken place just a while ago. The victors of the battle were eating and drinking their fill as they reveled in the blood shed they caused. Monsters like Ogres, Orcs, and even Goblins celebrated alongside humans and beast kin alike. Although they were sad that there were only two women in this place, they knew that the sexy dark elves that were hiding away in Nidvallir further north would be within their grasp soon.

"Yeah! To victory!" a man known as Hicks, one of Vult's lieutenants in the Black Dogs shouted with vigor.

The men by his side cheered alongside him, practically losing their balance in the process from all the alcohol they managed to snag from the Dark Citadel.

"Now we will make for the dark elves home up north and have some real fun!" a troll who was considered the strongest amongst them yelled with a hearty laugh.

The men continued to revel in their victory long after Vult and a couple of others went inside to handle the Dark queen and her knight. All was going well until a peculiar sight caught the eye of a few goblins.

"Hey," a goblin nudged his friend on the side. "Who's that?"

His friend drunkenly looked over in the direction he was pointing at but then the sound of glass breaking was heard and the other goblins nearby looked to see what that was when they found themselves stiffen up straight, unable to move for some reason.

Wh...what is this? one goblin asked himself but was unable to voice this question out loud for some reason.

The trapped goblins couldn't move their bodies, as if they were tied up by rope that was practically squeezing them without mercy. The only thing they could do was look on in confusion and terror as a figure wearing a black cloak with a hood covering his face, walking past them as if they didn't exist. The goblins that were facing the direction the figure was coming from couldn't even direct their eyes upwards to see the face of who might be responsible for this.

The Ogres were the ones closest to the goblins and a few of them noticed how their little comrades were silent all of a sudden and turned in their direction, only to see a rather tall figure in all black approach them with the goblins frozen in place for some odd reason.

"Hey! Who the hell are—" that was the last thing the ogre said before he too fell silent and felt his body stiffen up at a level that was wildly uncomfortable.

The rest of the ogres followed suit and went stiff, not being able to comprehend just what the hell happened to them. The hooded figure casually walked pass all of them until finally a troll let out a roar that gathered everyone's attention.

Hicks frowned at this and cracked his neck before looking back. "Just what the hell are those bastards do—" but his eyes landed on a rather tall figure wearing a black cloak walking up to him. Hicks eyes were frantic as he watched the intimidating figure loom over him. He normally would have killed someone for invading his personal space like this yet, his body was unable to move. The figure placed a hand on his head and Hicks was beyond disturbed at what was happening.

"Filthy vermin," was all that was that Hicks heard until the figure walked past him and every single member of the 50,000 strong alliance.

What the fuck is this? Hicks thought as he remained frozen in his spot while freaking out about what was about to happen.

While this was going down, some of the Black Dogs and monsters were in the throne room of the Dark Citadel. Vult, sitting upon the throne, had one hand holding up his head with a grin on his face. He looked at his men who were standing before him with grins of their own as they all waited in anticipation for the arrival of the two dark elves. The orcs in the room were particularly ready to get their hands on Chloe as they have lusted for her for a long time.

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