Chapter 15: The impromptu meeting

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Three months have passed since Olga and Chloe went out on their dates with their respective Angelos and both parties were happier than they have been for as long as they could remember. During that time the two of them learned so much more about the wonders that the MPE has made to provide entertainment for its people, like the "Light Vision Projector" which allows one to see entertainment media to pass the time as both Olga and Chloe were hooked on it. Reesa had gotten it for Chloe since he figured she wouldn't be able to move very well sooner or later and would find herself bored. Vargos had chastised himself for not thinking of doing the same for Olga but she had to reassure him that she was happy with all the gifts he had showered her with already. Of course Helga was extremely fascinated by such a device and would regularly watch it with them, despite not being able to understand what was being said. Olga then asked Vargos to give her mother a Language Ring too and he acquiesced since he figured Helga wouldn't try anything with the ring if he was watching her put it on.

Olga of course brought Chloe and Helga to Alfheim where they met the others and Helga practically screamed with excitement after seeing what Angelo children looked like. Chloe also couldn't resist their cuteness as she thought about what she was currently making within her body and grinning from ear to ear at Reesa who was by her side. Olga, Nol and Delva took Chloe and Helga to Aquatic Garden Mall and they went on another shopping spree with Vargos footing the bill for Olga and Helga, while Reesa took care of Chloe. Chloe was of course taken to Vermillion Bold and was convinced to trick Reesa into wearing a bra but he didn't fall for it as it seemed Vargos had warned him about it earlier. Since Vargos, Zelnos and Asato were busy with work, the elven ladies didn't stay too long at the mall and opted to go to Delva's place to meet her family who was being watched by their aunt Evelyn, Delva's younger sister, who's features reminded Olga of someone she hasn't thought about in a long time.

After the three of them left Alfheim to go home, Olga then asked Vargos if his people managed to save a dark elf named Mistoria Arte and he confirmed that she was saved two weeks ago and is undergoing therapy like many other dark elves and half dark elves they've saved from slavery. She asked to speak with her but when Vargos checked to see if that was possible, he found out that Mistoria wasn't ready to speak to her as it seemed she felt too ashamed to talk. This made Olga sad but considering that she, like her fellow dark elves, also shunned the poor girl when she was raped by goblins all those years ago, it made sense.

It was the beginning of winter in Eostia and due to the warm climate, not too much changed but it still got a bit colder in the mornings, especially in Nidvallir. However such coldness didn't matter as Olga got to envelop herself In the warmth of her boyfriend nearly every night and early morning. Between the regular visits from Vargos when he wasn't busy, to the almost daily visits from Reesa to check up on his pregnant wife, Olga's house was livelier than ever.

"How are you feeling?" Reesa asked as he examined Chloe with worry.

"I'm fine Reesa," Chloe said with a warm smile.

Chloe held her husband's hand and looked him straight in his golden, star shaped eyes.

"You don't have to ask me the same question everyday you know?"

"I know that. I just...wish you weren't technically in uncontrolled territory. I even considered buying a house for us and the baby to rectify this."

"And the fact you'd do that for me makes me so happy. But until my queen decides to leave Nidvallir to live with Vargos, I wish to stay by her side."

"You know you really don't have to Chloe," Olga shouted from the kitchen where she was making snacks for Chloe who's appetite has increased by quite a bit as her stomach has shown visible signs of her son developing. "The need for you to stay on Zeta-3 for over a year after the invasion ends can be bypassed since you are pregnant with Reesa's child."

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