Chapter 13: Date scenario part 3

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The group had finished their meals and made their way to their final destination within the Aquatic Garden but they ended up meeting with another friend of Nol and Delva along the way. She was with her family and the man next to her was pushing a floating basket with children inside of it that Vargos informed Olga was called a "Stroller." The three of them began to talk with each other for a bit before she bowed in respect to the guys and Delva decided to introduce her to Olga.

"Olga, this is Misery, my advisor that I talked about in the Limo," Delva said.

Olga was a bit surprised to see a that the woman Delva talked about was a high elf. Well, nothing is truly black and white after all, she thought to herself.

"You were talking about me in a good light I hope?" Misery said before she reached a hand out to Olga. "A dark elf from another world? Quite intriguing."

Olga shook her hand and couldn't help but stare at the rather impressive bust of the light skinned dark elf. The woman wore a bit of a tight looking outfit that showed off a fair deal of her figure underneath but it didn't show too much skin either.

"As you've heard, my name is Misery and as you can see, I'm a high elf. I won't bore you with the details since that time is long gone, but just know that I chose to side with the dark elves during the war for the Holy Tree and ended up as Delva's adviser."

Olga figured it was something complex like that but then she looked down to see a small child with gray hair and features that clearly showed he was an Angelo. He looked up at her shyly and just like with all the other child Angelos she has seen tonight; Olga couldn't help but internally scream at how adorable he looked as his androgynous features and long hair made him pass as a little girl if one looked from far away.

"And this adorable little guy next to me is my son Chrona," Misery said with a tender smile.

"Hi there little one, Olga said with the most caring smile she could muster and the child continued to gaze at her for a while before hiding behind Misery's leg.

Earlier, Olga asked Vargos about why all the child Angelos look similarly androgenous and he told her that they all start like that and once they reach maturity in about 15 or so years, most become more masculine while a few stay androgynous like Reesa. They also have their sclera and hair color change based on the elemental affinity they are randomly given at maturity. Gray represents "No affinity" which is the case for all Angelos pre maturity. The color black represents dark affinity, white is light affinity, purple is lightning affinity, brown is earth affinity, blue is water affinity, green is nature affinity, yellow is wind affinity, orange is sound affinity, pink is mind affinity, and red is fire affinity. And the very rare silver color that only a handful of Angelos have is the time affinity. Olga wondered just what kind of affinity her future son would get one day as the idea of having Vargos's child entered her mind again.

"Sorry, he's a bit shy," Misery said with a smile as she picked up her son and embraced him, causing the child to giggle and emit a small radial light, similar to how the adult Angelos' eyes would glow through romantic actions.

Olga gasped. "Even the children can do that?" she asked with a glee filled look.

"They sure can," Delva said.

"Love for one's parents is also love after all," Nol added.

"And that's why I want to have as many as I can so I can shower all of them with my motherly love." Misery then frowned and turned to the burly, brown haired Angelo. "But a certain cruel husband of mine doesn't want to ravage me and get me pregnant again."

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