Olga's Route: Prologue

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Serenus, a super continent with two regions that go by different names, Eostia on the west and Austia on the east. On the west side however, Eostia has been mired in war between two different regions within it that has lasted for hundreds of years. The two factions in question that are hell bent on taking each other out are the Southern region's "Seven Shields Alliance" consisting of multiple races like high elves and humans led by its High Elf ruler, "Celestine Lucross" and the Northern region's "Legion" consisting of monsters led by its High Dark Elf ruler, "Olga Discordia." The war raged on without either side really doing anything substantial, causing things to go on for an excruciatingly long time. That is until Celestine foresaw the decline of Olga's power that continued to be a challenge for the alliance. This prompted them to hire the famed mercenary group "Black Dogs." Many battles ensued between the Legion of the North and the Black Dogs of the south, but in time the Black Dogs began to make major headway towards defeating the North's armies until the leader of the Black Dogs decided to change things up a bit. He managed to make a truce with the monster Legion of the North and convinced them to betray their queen Olga Discordia. The results of such a truce will lead to one of the most tragic moments in the history of Eostia to occur.

In the northern part of Eostia, the forces of the Black Dogs and the Legion made their way to the Dark Citadel, killing just a few of the defending monsters that were there while the rest, who saw the writing on the wall, fled for their lives. The Dark Citadel was overtaken rather quickly and the only two that were now there were Olga herself and her half dark elf personal attendant Chloe. The Black Dog mercenaries and monsters that Vult commanded had captured the two of them and placed them in a cell together while they celebrated and ransacked the Dark Citadel of its supplies. The two dark elves sat chained away from each other in their cell, dejected at their situation as they heard the echoes of men cheering in the distance.

"How could those cowards run with their tails between their legs," Chloe said, with her angry voice bouncing off the walls of the dungeon.

Olga smiled at Chloe. "They can hardly be faulted," she said without much emotion, surprising Chloe that she would defend the monsters who abandoned them.

"Don't misunderstand me, I'm not defending them. Rather I'm chastising myself for thinking they would be useful as guards when they were merely a group of individuals who had no reason to defend a queen who had lost her power. Surely you can see the folly of such a plan, right?"

"Even if you lost your power, you are still my queen and I'll serve you until my body wastes away," Chloe passionately said, making Olga smile at her. "Damn it..." Chloe slammed her fist against the dungeon wall. "My weakness had prevented us from escaping. I'm so sorry my queen."

Olga looked her attendant in the eyes. "This is not your fault. Unlike the traitorous heathens who sided with that worm Vult, you have been loyal to me without a doubt and have done your best to serve me."

Chloe lowered her head in an attempt to show gratitude to her queen, shifting and making her handcuffs clang as a result. She looked down at the reminder that her freedom was stolen and scowled in frustration.

"The Citadel is lost..." Olga says nonchalantly. "To think, this all only happened because I let my pride get the better of me."

Chloe, unable to say anything more, sits quietly and looks at Olga closing her eyes and waiting as if she was meditating at the highest point of the Citadel like usual. She decided to follow her queens example and meditated.

If only I'd listen to Lucross that day. Perhaps we wouldn't be experiencing such a nightmare, Olga thought to herself with a tear forming a bit on her left eye. 

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