Chapter 23: Meeting the parents part 1

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The group were now talking about Jazel's fight and the elven wives asked so many questions about their abilities as even the ones who've been married to their husbands for a few years now were baffled by the idea that they could all do such stuff. Although the guys told them what they could do, seeing it with their own eyes truly put things into perspective. Olga herself asked why the Angelos didn't kill Gladius sooner if they were so much stronger than him and Jazel stated that they were told they couldn't try to kill him without the go ahead from their master as he didn't want to risk them losing in the slightest, even at the expense of the many others Gladius devoured. They also needed to gain immunity to Gladius's Corrupted aura as it was capable of severely weakening those he fights over a short period of time as he sapped away their power, thus why all the gods and goddesses he fought eventually died against him. After the Q&A session from the ladies, Jazel said his goodbyes as he wanted to go and see Tiaplate soon.

Jazel grinned at his family. "Well everyone, it's been fun."

"Just remember to take deep breaths around Tiaplate," Nol said.

"I hope you two end up happy together," Olga replied.

"If you act anything like the other Angelos when love is involved, I'm sure she is already melting in the palm of your hand," Delva retorted.

"And if it doesn't work out, you could always find another," Freya added.

"Thank you ladies, I'll do ya proud!" he then looked at the guys and there was a silence in the air for almost a minute.

"Suffer agonizing pain," Zelnos said.

"Keep the bragging about the taste to yourself," Vargos replied.

"I hope you choke on it next time," Asato retorted.

"Try not to act like a crazed lunatic down there from now on," Mezo added.

"Damn it! I want the context!" Delva shouted in frustration.

Jazel grinned at them before giving a thumbs up, prompting the guys to do the same. He turned around and was about to go to the Teleportarium until he looked over his shoulder and gave one last cheeky grin.

"I killed Gladius," Jazel said before he vanished.

Vargos sighed. Asshole, he thought as he grinned at his younger brother.

The gathering had ended and the group went their separate ways for the night. Vargos had brought Olga to his room on the Star Chaser and Olga immediately pounced on him to enjoy a healthy and tasty treat while also helping her husband relieve some stress, which naturally led to them enjoying even more marital bliss together. Shortly after their love making session, Olga and Vargos casually talked about the different magic systems he had access to as a Celestial as well as how she wished to learn unknown magic in the dark arts, like abyss magic. Olga was giddy throughout their conversation due to loving topics about magic and from the multiple loads of Vargos's essence flowing through her, pulsating waves of pleasure as her body absorbed it. This of course made Vargos feel something similar to intoxication due to the large amount of power within him draining but he was still sober enough to talk properly despite this.

"Darling?" Olga called out to him in a soft voice that tickled Vargos's neck as her breath connected with his skin.

Vargos had his eyes closed as he enjoyed filling Olga up with his power. "Yes my radiant beauty?" he said with his deep voice that blessed Olga's ears.

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