Chapter 16: Miracles of the Origin

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"To give you a visual aid what I'm going to tell you, I'll use illusion magic to help explain things along with my words," Vargos said before he motioned with his hand in the air and the room they were in grew dark.

Olga was taken aback at just how pitch black it had gotten and she felt a bit intimidated but then she felt the loving embrace of Vargos tighten and she felt better. She got even closer to him as she took a bit of the food that he made and smiled at its divine taste. Then a small ball of green, brown and blue appeared in front of her and she quickly knew what this was.

"This is a planet of course but what planet is it?" she asked inquisitively.

"It's Malva Prime," Vargos answered.

"It really doesn't look all that different from my world though..."

"It's all a matter of perspective beautiful."

Then the planet got smaller as the illusion zoomed out and showed multiple other planets and the sun that they orbited. This was something Olga learned about from Vargos when he gave her small lectures about the void.

"Your world's star system."

Vargos nodded his head and zoomed things out further and Olga couldn't even see his planet at this point anymore. What was there now was a vaporous spiral that had a multitude of colors that truly made it vibrant and mysterious in nature.

"That's our galaxy. The one whose name you decided to utilize from those humans you and your brothers adore so much for some reason."

"The Milky Way Galaxy."

"Such a strange name," Olga added and Vargos shook his head with a smile.

"As you are aware by now, the MPE has the short term goal to control all that resides within this spiral."

Olga took a deep breath as such a huge ambition like that was far more than she could comprehend. With the multitude of planets like hers that existed within one galaxy, Olga couldn't even begin to imagine the logistical nightmare trying to rule over such a vast expanse. It truly made her feel small in the grand scheme of things. Even the gods of her world weren't all that important if they were only located on a singular planet.

A thought then occurred to Olga. Wait, short term goal? She asked herself.

Then the image disappeared and all that was left was darkness for a little bit until a multitude of little lights started to appear in droves. There were far too many to count, yet the sight was quite mesmerizing to behold as they looked like tiny lights reflecting some strange cosmic glows.

"What you see now is the culmination of all the various galaxies that exists out there in the vast expanse of the void and this is called the universe." Vargos then sighed deeply as he felt his next words would illicit a bad response from Olga. "We of the MPE have the long term goal to rule over all of the galaxies you see around you."

Olga was at a loss for words as she could barely fathom the idea of controlling an entire galaxy, yet that wasn't enough for the MPE. An invasion of such a massive scale would have to take thousands or perhaps hundreds of thousands of years. She's probably still underestimating the size of her universe greatly and for all she knows, it could take the MPE millions of years for them to accomplish their goal.

I think I somewhat see why Vargos was so reluctant to tell me about himself now, she thought.

Her mind went blank for a long while and Vargos begun to worry a bit as he squeezed Olga's hand, only for her to squeeze it back as a response.

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