Chapter 8: The SS Star Chaser

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Vargos and Olga had left Nidvallir via Vargos's teleportation magic and ended up inside a facility that Olga could hardly describe with words. The place was filled with people running around and looking busy doing things that she wasn't quite sure how to describe. There were some Angelos that were standing tall and guarding the large circular room they arrived in. It was filled with people of various races sitting down and working on light screens that projected images and text that she could read yet didn't understand what so ever. Their arrival shocked some of the people here and they bowed in respect, no doubt because of Vargos's presence.

"No need to worry everyone, I'm not here to do an inspection or anything like that," he said casually and Olga noticed a few of them sighed in relief.

"This is our warship's Teleportarium that allows us to use science to warp to places instead of magic. We came here first since any attempts to teleport in or out of the ship will be redirected to this room as a security protocol."

"What happens when someone attempts to break through this security protocol?" Olga asked curiously.

"Then our back up security protocol will activate a spatial disruption field that will make the ones teleporting into the ship, whether by magical or scientific methods, arrive slower than they expect, giving security time to surround the suspect's expected arrival spot in case they wish to try something they won't live long enough to regret. As for anyone trying to brute force their way out of the ship via teleportation then the same thing will happen but then their spatial signature will be quickly scanned and analyzed so we can learn where that person is going and surround them there as long as it isn't an obvious trap."

Olga stared in silence at the man's explanation as part of her didn't know what was said but at the same time, she gleamed that the MPE had quite a vast understanding of the mechanics of spatial manipulation that might rival or even surpass the gods of her world.

Vargos cleared his throat as he realized that he might have lost Olga. "Anyway, the place I wanted to take you is located on another planet so we needed to come here and do the proper procedures first. If I tried to teleport there from Nidvallir then what I explained before would happen and I don't wish to have you get arrested on our first date."

Olga chuckled. "Yes, I certainly would not wish to be detained by your people." She then had a thought and gave a quizzical look to Vargos. "Okay so let me confirm...we are on one of your world's warships?" she asked slowly and carefully.

"That's right, the Star Chaser," Vargos answered.

"And this room lets us teleport without magic?"

"That's correct."

"To another planet, for our date. Am I getting this right so far?"

"Indeed you are."

"So this warship of it on my world that you call Zeta-3?"

"No, it's currently floating above Zeta-3's moon."

Olga's eyes bulged out of her sockets for a brief moment before she closed them and calmed her nerves. " I'm floating above my world's moon right now and not on my world itself."

"That is correct."

"Can I...see what it looks like?" Olga asked with restraint as the intellectual part of her was screaming with childlike excitement but what was left of her pride didn't allow her to show such emotions on the surface in front of so many complete strangers.

Prime UniverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora