Chapter 9: Hello Alfheim part 1

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Olga was staring at Vargos in disbelief until she looked back out the window and looked at the women again.

There's no mistake, those are elves, she thought with wonder at such a sight of so many of her kind walking around freely.

Vargos chuckled as he knew this would make her react this way. "I figured you'd like it here for our first date."

The voice of a woman then called out to them. "Welcome crown prince Vargos!" a gorgeous woman who didn't have the ears of an elf but had dark skin and yellow hair. Like the other men in the room, she had eyes like an Angelo but instead of golden irises, she had silver ones instead and this confused Olga greatly as she thought the Angelos were male only.

"I can see the confusion on your face miss Discordia so let me answer the burning question I'm sure you have." The woman then bowed to both of them and introduced herself. "My name is Pena Cupas and I'm one of many synthetic beings called 'Angeloids' created by the Progenitors to be a citizen of the Malva Prime Empire."

"Progenitors?" Olga asked and looked at Vargos.

"Yeah, me and my brothers created the MPE and the Angeloids. We made our parents the Emperor and Empress just because it made the most sense."

"I see. Then you are a being with false life, like a golem?" Olga asked Pena.

"Essentially but with intelligence far superior than a mere golem as well as access to emotions so I can be just as expressive as you organic beings. We were made in our creators image but you can distinguish us by the silver irises we have compared to the organic Angelos who have gold ones."

Olga looked to Vargos and he nodded his head. "We wanted to have citizens of our own to learn how to be competent rulers before we went around invading other worlds. We also needed parents to take care of the Angelo clones we made to fill our numbers artificially."

"Clones? Is that a kind of magical replication?" Olga asked.

"Almost, except they weren't made with magic. They were made with highly sophisticated science that would bore you to tears if I tried to explain it," Vargos answered.

"So does that mean Angelos like Reesa is a clone?" Olga asked Vargos.

"Oh?" Pena said with curiosity. "You wouldn't happen to be talking about my beautiful little boy would you miss Discordia?"

"Huh?" Olga said with confusion.

"Indeed she is Pena. Reesa is actually talking with a friend of hers back on Zeta-3," Vargos answered and Olga realized now who Pena was talking about.

"Oh my oh my. He's courting a possible daughter-in-law for me? I'll have to give him some pointers on what women like. Did you hear that everyone? What am I saying, of course you did. I'm gonna be a grandma soon!" Pena shouted with excitement.

The Angeloids in the Teleportarium clapped for Pena as she jumped up and down.

"She certainly has emotions within her," Olga said with an awkward smile.

"Better this than to be a boring and uncaring drone if you ask me," Vargos added.

Olga then looked back outside and noticed that some of the elves below were glowing various different colors and she wondered if that was something elves from Alfheim did.

"Right then, Pena..." Vargos said.

Pena stopped jumping and stood at attention. "Ah yes." She then picked up a small card that was on a desk near her and handed it to Vargos.

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