Chapter 6: A mother-daughter moment

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Olga and Chloe made themselves breakfast with the food that was stored in the MSD and while they were at it, they took out the kitchen ware and other things that Olga had in her kitchen back at the Citadel. The place looked better with the typical clutter one would expect from a used kitchen. The only thing Olga held back on was the food.

"Why aren't we taking out all the food?" Chloe asked.

"Because if this works like the tutorial said then this 'MSD' may very well be the best possible food storage magic tool ever. Inside this thing, time seems to be at a standstill and so hot food will stay hot and cold food will stay cold. I believe this also means that food won't go bad inside of it either."

"That's...amazing," Chloe said with a sigh.

"You okay?"

"Yeah...I'm just finding it hard to believe that such an amazing device is so casually given to us without some kind of catch."

"I believe you are overthinking it my attendant."


"In an army where you have thousands of soldiers at your disposal, would you bat an eye to the death of just one of them?" Olga asked with a complex look on her face.

"Well, not really," Chloe said and the words that came out of her mouth caused her to realize what Olga was saying.

"Yeah, this is nothing to Vargos. I bet such a device we find extraordinary is ordinary and mass produced for the MPE as it doesn't even seem to use magic either. I wouldn't be surprised if the rings mattered more than this thing."

Chloe felt a shiver go down her spine. "If these are the kinds of tools the Malva Prime Empire has for simple convenience, then what do they have for complex war?"

Olga frowned deeply with this question as she remembered the portal that appeared when the pink haired Angelo arrived in front of them. Such magic destroyed the defensive capabilities of fortress walls and the way Vargos was able to store things inside his pocket dimension meant that all kinds of supplies could be brought to a battlefield without logistics being an issue.

Olga sighed and shook her head. "Chloe?"

"Yes my queen?"

"If I wasn't clear on my thoughts about the MPE before, well now I'm sure this world belongs to them."


The two of them chatted despite the slightly tense air and Olga let Chloe use the MSD to rematerialize her possessions so she could put on some of her clothes after what felt like ages.

While this was happening, Olga continued to read the letter Vargos gave her.

If you have followed the tutorial correctly, you will see that all of yours and miss Chloe's personal belongings are inside of the MSD as dematerialized matter. What that means I'll explain another day but just know that it is a compacted storage method that also prevents the passage of time from affecting things like food and drinks. And yes while I'm sure you aren't too happy about me basically raiding your fortress of your belongings; I wasn't too keen on you going back to that place even if you have your power back because of the trauma you almost suffered. As for that "secret" of yours in that chamber filled know. I've honestly seen weirder methods for species to reproduce so I don't particularly mind. And just so you know, I can do a much better job getting you pregnant, I'm just saying.

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