Chapter 14: A delectable treat

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After going through the correct procedures for traveling from planet to planet, Vargos and Olga arrived outside of her house in Nidvallir and they stared at each other for a while.

"So..." Vargos trailed off.

"So what?" Olga asked calmly.

"If you have a little time before you get some rest, I could...tell you what I truly am."

Olga contemplated this for a moment before she shook her head. "Can you bring us to my room?" she asked and Vargos obliged and teleported them to her room.

Olga looked at the clean room and was confused for a bit as she was sure she left the place littered with clothes until she realized that Chloe must have cleaned it for her. I'll have to thank her later, she thought.

Vargos took out all of the things he bought Olga and she looked through them to put them away before Vargos stuck out a hand.

"Allow me."

He then used telekinesis to lift all of her clothes out of their bags. "Where do you want them?"

After Olga directed Vargos where to place her clothes, she took off her dress and wrap, exposing herself in front of Vargos again. He wanted to be polite and leave the room but she stopped him again and frowned.

"You've already seen them, plus you will be seeing them more in the future. Might as well get used to it," she said with a teasing smile.

"You sure do like to tease me, don't you? I wonder where you could've gotten that quirk from? Vargos asked sarcastically.

"Like mother like daughter," Olga said jokingly before she motioned for Vargos to take off his shoes and he did so, placing them in his inventory and Olga then motioned for him to lay on her bed.

"Olga? What's going—" he started to say before she got on the bed and laid on top of him with her breasts pressing down on him, causing Vargos to stare at this dark elf with shock.

"I normally sleep with a nightgown but I think I'll sleep without it tonight," she said with a smile. "As for why I'm doing this? I really don't know. Just feel like getting comfortable is all."

Vargos chuckled. "Is that so?"

Olga smiled and traced her hand on Vargos's chest. "Could you take your shirt off?"

Vargos raised an eyebrow at this but decided to grant her wish as he gets to see her chest so it is only fair. He used magic to remove the top half of his suit and placed it in his inventory, exposing his well-toned body that Olga stared hard at. She rubbed his abs and biceps that was noticeable while he was in his suit but now they truly showed off just how well he took care of himself. This action however was making Vargos feel ticklish.

"Hey now, two can play at this game," he said before he began to tickle her, making Olga laugh as they goofed around.

"Ok...ok, I surrender," she said playfully and she laid on his body again and looked deep into his golden, star shaped irises and she kissed him on the cheek, causing his eyes to flash again. He returned the kiss, causing her face to flush.

They just laid in the bed while in each other's presence, enjoying the moment until Olga spoke up.

"To answer your earlier question, I actually don't think I'm worthy of knowing yet."

Vargos lifted his head off of the bed to look at her but only got his face buried in her chest as she held him with all her might. Unsure of what to do next, he went and continued to talk anyway.

"I'm not sure why you'd think that. I showed you the movie specifically so you could get an idea of what you'd be dealing with," he said in a muffled voice that made Olga giggle.

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