Chapter 19: The family gathering part 1

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As Olga walked through the halls of the castle, she could see that there were many things that felt familiar to her as it seemed before the MPE came to Alfheim, the elves had a level of technology similar to Eostia. There were some aspects to it that were clearly influence by Malvan culture like the chandeliers that used lights made from science and strange metal-like flowers that would randomly change their shape from time to time which Olga still couldn't get used to no matter how many times she's seen it.

They entered a large room that Asato said is their entertainment room where he brings guest to enjoy themselves with alcohol, games, etc. She saw Nol in her adult form and Zelnos flirting with each other and they stopped to wave at them as soon as they walked through the door.

"Well now, brother actually decided to shut up and nut up for once. Good for you man," Zelnos said with a cheeky grin.

"You would do well to do the same," Vargos retorted.

"Shutting up is where I have issues but I certainly have no issues nutting up when my glorious wife is on me," he said before Nol punched his arm with an embarrassed look.

"Good evening dear brother and congratulations to you," Nol said. She then teleported to Olga and hugged her, catching the dark elf off guard. "You look great with that motherly glow around you dear sister."

Olga smiled and hugged the wise high elf. "Right, we are technically family now."

"Technically? Woman we are family," Delva said.

"She's right you know? You're a Servantez now," Zelnos said before taking a drink from his cup.

"Yeah, that's right," Nol added.

"So when did the other two say they would be here?" Vargos asked as he looked at some of the snacks placed on a table.

"They should be here soon. The party doesn't officially start until another 15 minutes from now," Asato said before a doorbell was rang. "That signature is big bro's." Asato then teleported away.

The group chatted amongst each other until Asato showed up with a couple that Olga had never met before but has heard of in the past. Lord Mezo, the Minister of Communications was an Angelo with a mixed skin tone like Asato, medium length red hair wrapped in a pony tail with flowers on it and crimson red eyes with small magical sparkles within them. Like the others of his kind, he had looks that would make any woman swoon but his demeanor was soft as he held the hand of who Olga figured was his wife Freya. An elf from the world where the goddess of light Ilias and the goddess of darkness Alipheese quarreled for a long time but had since stopped thanks to Vargos's cousin Kenlo. Freya had the looks of a regal woman with a light skin tone, a red glow around her with a slight baby bump proving she was coming along in her pregnancy, long blond hair and green eyes that Olga was impressed by as they gave off an air of authority yet kindness at the same time.

"Greetings everyone. Since this is my first time meeting you all, I'll introduce myself. My name is Freya, queen of the elves of Fairy's Island. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Hello, I'm Delva. I've heard a lot about you from Asato."

"Ah yes, you are my sister-in-law," Freya said with a smile. "It is good to meet a dark elf that didn't succumb to corruption."

Both Delva and Olga raised an eyebrow at this.

Mezo panicked a bit. "Sorry ladies, I promise she didn't mean anything by that."

Freya panicked as well. "Oh no, did I come off as rude? I only meant that since dark elves on my world only exist because of corruption."

"Oh? Please do explain," Delva said with interest.

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