Chapter 24: Meeting the parents part 2

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Emperor Arbella, Vargos, and Olga were sitting down and chatting in the living room outside of the kitchen as Empress Vevona was making the finishing touches on dinner. The living room had an abundance of immaculate decorations and furniture from multiple parts of the universe that somehow worked well together. This solidified in Olga's mind that her mother-in-law had an eye for aesthetics so strong that if she was a goddess of decorations, Olga would worship her piously. According to emperor Arbella, empress Vevona had always liked to decorate and cook since before they met and having the boys around really flared up the motherly side of her that was long since unable to be satisfied.

The father and son were talking casually with each other while Olga listened attentively as she didn't want to disturbed them. Even while Vargos was holding her hand to help her nerves, she still felt out of place a bit as she observed the two Celestials talk about a mundane subject while at the same time referring to events that are going on that are anything but mundane. For example, they've talked about how their favorite alcoholic drinks are increasing in price due to a shortage on an important ingredient from another galaxy the MPE isn't associated with. This led to a discussion about that galaxy being mired in war between a bunch of power hungry warlords fighting for control after the assassination of the emperor who once ruled over said galaxy.

"I looked into it and there was just one lone survivor of the attack on the emperor and his family and that poor little girl went through quite a bit. Nothing new mind you, but's shameful what some mortals can do to children," Arbella said as he summoned a device with information on it out of nowhere.

Vargos grabbed it and examined it for a bit before his eyes shimmered a gray glow, which Olga knew meant that he learned a new language just now as part of his kinds' "Adaptive Learning" ability. "The ones who did the assassinations..." Vargos gazed at his father with a businessman demeanor. "Dead or alive?" he said coldly and Olga really got into the topic as she observed the stoic gazes of both men.

"My coworkers said they are fine with either but it might be a good idea to use them to help fix the mess they and the nobles of that galaxy caused," Arbella responded.

"Um...who killed that emperor and his family anyway?" Olga asked shyly.

"It was done by some vile female human twins who absorb the life spans of young women to keep their youth," Arbella answered.

"Tsk. Of course they're worms," Olga muttered under her breath.

"I see you still hate humans young one. Can't really blame you," Arbella said with a smile and Olga blushed in embarrassment from letting her distain for humans show in front of the emperor.

A question then popped into Olga's head, one that she just realized could be asked as the Solarians are responsible for the creation of worlds and their gods. "Emperor Arbella..." Olga called but the Solarian raised an eyebrow at her. "Forgive me. Um father..." she said with a bit of hesitation.

"Yes my daughter?" Arbella said cheerily and Vargos grinned.

"I would like to know...what happened to my god after he made us dark elves?" she asked shyly.

"Oh?" Arbella said before he leaned on both of his hands as he looked hard into Olga's face. "And what will you do with that information?"

"Dad..." Vargos warned.

"I know I know; I just find it so fascinating to be able to speak with creations from one of my worlds," he told his son before looking back at Olga.

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