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39 3 0

"All of this has happened before and will happen again."


Mirana had noticed that her sister was becoming increasingly fatter. She attributed it to Iracebeth's unusually enormous appetite, but her stomach was more considerable than the rest of her. If she had simply been getting fatter, the rest of her would be the same, would it not? At dinner, while Iracebeth stuffed her face with Whoozie Meat and Whippersnapper Tarts, Mirana watched her.

"Are you pregnant?" the White Queen asked.

Iracebeth nearly spat out the tart in her mouth. Through her mouthful of food, she said, "What would give you that idea?"

Mirana didn't know how to say it. She didn't want to be rude—but there was no other way to put it. "You're fat," she decided.

As he stood against the wall, Sir William slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle a laugh. Iracebeth narrowed her eyes and gave her lover a pointed look before smiling at her sister. "I am pregnant."

Mirana's face brightened immediately. She jumped up from her seat and tackled her sister in a hug. Iracebeth yelped in surprise but wrapped her arms around her little sister. She hadn't expected Mirana to ask her so bluntly, and she hadn't expected Mirana's joy.

"I'm going to be an Auntie, Racie!" Mirana exclaimed. "Auntie Mirana!"

"You will," Iracebeth smiled softly, pushing Mirana away so she could see her face. "But if you've noticed already, we have a problem."

She glanced at her lover, and her expression fell slightly. "I must get married now. I cannot have my heir be a child out of wedlock."

"A WEDDING?!" Mirana shouted, her eyes widening in maddening delight. She looked like her head was about to spin right off her body.

"Yes," Iracebeth nodded, "but we have another problem. We have to get Underland to accept this marriage with open hearts. I know I am Queen, and they will have to obey, but—I'd like it to be a happy occasion!"

"It will be!" Mirana insisted. She stood and placed her hands on her hips triumphantly like she was a superhero. "We will have a happy wedding!"


"You have to come out of here at some point," Slightly said, leaning against the doorframe of Peter Pan's office. His curly hair fell into his eyes, and his lips held a snarky smile. "You're not a hermit crab."

"Mirana is gone," Peter told him bitterly, his eyes trained on the floor. "She's gone, and it's my fault. I couldn't keep Alice contained and didn't expect Apollo to be there with them. I didn't maintain a close enough eye on Iracebeth. And now she's gone—because of me."

Peter paused and glanced up at Slightly, his eyes holding small dots of tears. He didn't look like himself. "She's gone. I promised to keep her safe. I promised myself. How am I supposed to get into Underland now?"

"Not with that attitude, you won't," his Lost Boy laughed, pushing himself off the door frame. He approached Peter Pan and said, "You look shaken. Defeated. You aren't yourself."

"Do you have a death wish?" Peter quipped back, snapped his head up and darkened his eyes into a glare as he stared at his Lost Boy.

"Now, that's more like you," Slightly smiled. "Come on, you need a distraction. Why don't I have the boys fix up a nice campfire?"

"I'm not in the mood," Peter Pan rolled his eyes.

"You are," Slightly placed his hands on the leader of the Lost Boy's shoulders and smiled. "You just don't know it yet. But you are."

"I need the seer." Peter Pan stood and stalked out the door, closing it roughly behind himself. He was running out of time, and the walls were closing in again. The Lost Boy wouldn't be able to keep Storybrooke under wraps for long if Mirana wasn't with him. He needed her.

It was one of the few times in his life that he felt like a true "Lost Boy."

Peter Pan smiled wickedly, the corners of his mouth tilting crookedly. Thankfully, he had enough sense to bring the seer to the New Neverland. Peter had stuffed them deep in the forest, bringing their treehouse, which no one except him could find. He waved off his Lost Boys and told them to do something—anything—he didn't care what.

With a flick of his wrist, Peter appeared in the treehouse. The seer, their eyes trained on the floor as they murmured an ancient spell, jumped in surprise. They stood and almost smiled at the Pied Piper. "Peter!" they exclaimed.

"Skip the pleasantries," Peter said harshly. The seer scrambled to stand, looking up at Peter hopefully. "I need you."

I need you. The seer lived for those words. They smiled, "I knew you would be coming soon. What is it? I'll do anything!"

"How do I get into Underland?"

"You've already been there once," the seer's joyful expression dropped slowly. "You can only go there once. You know the rules. She can't come back."

"She has to." Peter grabbed the seer by their clothes and pulled them close, staring into their eyes menacingly. "You will tell me how to get Mirana of Marmoreal back. And I will succeed." He dropped the frightened seer. "And why is that?"

"Because," the seer swallowed, their throat suddenly dry, "because Peter Pan never fails?"

"Exactly," Peter smiled evilly, turning from the seer to stare out of the treehouse's windows. "I never fail."

He laughed wryly and dropped his voice so the seer couldn't hear, grabbing onto the windowsill. "I'm winning, Iracebeth. It's my turn now. And I'm almost at checkmate."


It is not Monday. And I have not updated for at least three or four weeks.

(I'm very sorry about that!)

But I've got a chapter, so here you go!!

I hope you enjoy it. I know I haven't been the best at updating, but I swear I will absolutely try my hardest to keep to my posting schedule!

Anyway, until next time!

Au revoir!

𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟 𝕚𝕟 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 ✩ OUAT Peter PanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt