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"I suppose it's like the ticking crocodile, isn't it? Time is chasing after all of us."


Mirana sat on Henry's bed with a sour expression. Peter Pan had called her to him every day for the past week—yet, today, he hadn't sent a Lost Boy to bring her to him. She was getting impatient, waiting for someone to bring her to the mysterious and intriguing Peter Pan.

A knock came on the door, and Mirana jumped up immediately, smoothing down the dress she'd picked to wear today. She'd wanted to look nice for Peter Pan—hear him compliment her.

"Slightly?" she asked hesitantly, staring at the door.

As it opened, the man spoke, "No Lost Boys here, Mirana. Just me—Neal."

"Oh," Mirana looked down, her mood souring as she sat back on the bed.

"My mom made food," Neal offered, sitting beside her and making the bed creak.

"I'm not hungry," she sighed.

"You know," Neal spoke after a while, "you could always go see him first. It'd show that you weren't just coming to see him because he sent for you but that you came because you wanted to see him."

"I don't know how to get there," Mirana told him.

"You do," he assured her. "You've been there enough times—you know the way. You just might not know that you know the way."

"Are you sure?" she tilted her head, glancing at Snow White's son with wide, innocent eyes.

"Of course," Neal nodded, trying to push down the blush on his cheeks. He liked Mirana, but she needed to save them from Peter Pan. Mirana's destiny already wrote itself, and Neal wasn't anywhere in it. She was just a passing snowflake—delicate and beautiful, but he wouldn't see her the same way twice. Besides, Neal knew his happily-ever-after was out in the world somewhere. If they never left Storybrooke, though, he wouldn't get to find them.

"Alright," Mirana bounced up from Henry's bed. "Come on, Nivens, we have somewhere to be. Thank you, Neal—I'll be on my way now."

Neal nodded at her and smiled as she left the room with her rabbit hopping behind her. Neal spaced out for a moment before shaking his head—those are not gentlemanly thoughts, Neal, he reminded himself. He stood from the bed and left the room just in time to see Mirana wave to Snow White before leaving the house. Neal glanced at his mother, thanking magic that she could not hear his thoughts right then.

As Mirana closed the door behind Nivens, she skipped out onto the road and started walking. She had no idea where she was going, but she hoped her feet did. The White Queen walked down the street smiling, not fully realising how happy she was to see Peter Pan. She smoothed her dress again, ensuring her skirt had no unintended wrinkles.

Mirana's hand found her long white hair and twirled a strand. Suddenly, she wondered if she should have done something with it—an Underlandian hairstyle, maybe? Or perhaps, Outlandish? Mirana sighed, wishing she could talk to Iracebeth about what she could do to make herself pretty.

"You don't have to make yourself pretty for anyone," Iracebeth would probably say, dismissing the idea.

"But—Racie, I want to look pretty," Mirana insisted.

"You already are. No need to fret about such things," Iracebeth would dismiss it again.

Mirana sighed, looking at the ground as her feet moved by themselves. She wondered if Neal was right—did her feet know where they were going? The White Queen wondered if her feet felt the same pull toward Peter Pan as her heart had—were they drawn to his presence, too?

After a while, Mirana's feet stopped moving on the sidewalk outside a bright building. She examined it—all the times she'd been to visit Peter Pan, it'd always felt dark. Yes, it was the building, but something seemed off about it today.

She took a hesitant step forward and crossed to the door, pushing it open. There was no need to knock—none of the Lost Boys had ever done so until they reached Peter Pan's office. Mirana wasn't sure where she was going but wandered around the building, trying to find Peter Pan. It took her a few minutes to find the office, and when she did, she rapped her knuckles against the door three times. The White Queen bounced on her toes, fiddling with her fingers absent-mindedly as she waited for someone to respond.

When no reply came, Mirana nervously knocked again.

Again, there was no answer. The White Queen pressed her hands against the door and pushed it open carefully. Peeking into the room, Mirana expected to see the tall British boy—but there was no sign of him. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen any of the Lost Boys, either.

"Did they leave Storybrooke?" Mirana wondered aloud, pressing her hands over her mouth. Peter had been adamant about not leaving—but what if they had? Had Peter Pan grown bored of Mirana? Had he left her without a single thought, not bothering to tell her "goodbye?"

"Well," Mirana said, wandering back through the building to find the exit, "Emma and Regina will be happy he's gone. They'll be able to go home—send me home, too. I'll see Racie and Alice again—I won't have to see Storybrooke. I won't see Peter ever again."

Somehow, that last statement brought Mirana no joy. It saddened her—the White Queen put Nivens into her arms and hugged him close, attempting to stop her threatening tears. It hadn't worked, as a stray tear fell down her cheek. She found the door she had entered through and pushed it open, looking down as she walked back toward the sidewalk.

He couldn't have left already—it was too soon. Mirana had only remembered one thing. She wanted to remember it all—every detail of what happened in Neverland. She wanted to know how she first met Peter Pan and how she first left Underland. She wanted to know why they separated and if Iracebeth was the cause.

"Will I ever know?" She whispered to herself through a sniffle, running her hands through Nivens' fur.

"Know what?"


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Three minutes until midnight, I made it!

Until next week!

Au revoir!

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