Chapter 60 beach city bike gangs

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"Did she take the car again!? Jeez I'm gonna need to do all those deliveries on foot again", kiki complained to steven, while blue went off with jenny and the others steven got pizza and spent his time speaking with the family that owned the place. "I'm just happy she didn't break it this time, last time she somehow broke it playing sour cream's mix tape so loud it burst the speakers", "wow! His music must be so intense!", Steven said, his face full of pepperoni pizza, "I've never seen her work here does she work here like the rest of you?", Steven asked, "not much", kiki replied, "I mostly do the work for her when she goes off with her friends", "WHAT!? THAT'S HORRIBLE", Steven gasped, dropping his pizza out his mouth, "have you not told her how bad that is!?", "I can't I don't want to let her down!", kiki huffed, preparing more pizas, "but what about you! this effects you more than her!".

The lights of empire city where blinding compared to beach city, the skyscrapers, the many cars and roads, the bright lights, it almost reminded blue of homeworld as she zoomed through it on her bike with her new friends. "Be careful", buck said to her, driving near her, "if you see a sports car, Don't touch it whatever you do, it will end badly", blue nodded back, pretending to understand any of what he said, she didn't even know what a sports car really is, was is a car that carried sports teams and equipment? Or something else maybe a new type of car, these thoughts where cut short as blue nearly crashed into a car and barely got out the way.

"Blue that was the car we told you to avoid!", jenny yelled at her, "it was!?", blue yelped, the doors of the car opened, revealing a young man in expensive clothes. "What are you doing weird kids?", he angrily asked them, "it wasn't us! It was her!", jenny yelled, pointing to blue and driving away with buck and sour cream on their bikes as fast as possible. Blue looked back, enraged and betrayed, "what!? Ugh! Those damn-" "Hey you blue lady!", the man yelled to blue, "you gonna go fix my car?", blue didn't even touch it. "No", blue replied, quickly zooming off to go chase after jenny and the others for betraying her.

Buck, jenny and sour cream tried to drive away from blue as fast as possible but she almost immediately caught up to them. As they drove into a tunnel buck tried to throw things at blue's bike to stop her but she quickly dodged and kicked him off his bike, making him roll on the floor and have his own arm be crushed under his wheels. Sour cream and jenny where able to get out the tunnel and onto a large bridge, blue was getting closer, she was enraged, her sharp teeth where showing. Sour cream kept his eyes only on blue, looking behind at all times while jenny frantically tried to escape blue diamond. "WAIT! Sour cream watch out!", jenny yelled but before he could notice he drove himself off the bridge, causing a large explosion, now it was only her and blue. Jenny tried to yell back at blue to stop but blue didn't respond, as she got closer jenny could see how mad she looked, her eyes where wide and she was focused only on making her pay, "Hey crazy lady sto-WOAH! AAAA", before she could try talking to blue again her bike crashed onto some garbage on the road and she fell off her bike at a intense speed, rolling onto the floor, now was blue's chance, she rushed to jenny and summoned her scythe, as she flew past her she smacked jenny in the head with the scythe, "HOW'S THAT", blue yelled back, making her now blood covered scythe dissappear, but before she stop her bike and turn around a small red figure appeared in front of blue, she crashed right into them, causing a massive explosion and destroying blue's bike.

The explosion faded and blue was now laying on the floor, badly injured, the red figure was a Ruby, with their gem in their left palm. "'re a gem...what did you do..", blue tried to speak but she was too injured she layed on the floor as the ruby just looked at her in horror. As blue laid there she heard the familiar sound of Greg's van drive up by her, Greg, pearl, holly blue agate and steven got out and looked at the scene horrified, "mum!?", Steven cried, covering his eyes, Greg knelt down to blue and asked her what happened, "blue whats going on!? How did you get hurt!?", blue could barely speak, she just pointed to the red gem trying to escape. "This is really bad what do we do!?", Steven cried, holding onto Pearl's skirt and fighting back tears as he looked at his mother, pearl calmly placed her hands over Steven's, "don't worry", she told him, "my diamond is very powerful, she'll survive this".

"YOU THERE! YOU THE RUBY!", holly blue agate yelled, summoning her whip and about to confront the gem, the gem looked back, terrified and then a green light shone down onto them, then multiple, then a much bigger one lit up the entire sky, it was many ginormous gem ships, the largest one was green and shaped like a hand, it was very similar to blue diamonds arm ship, it shone a light down on the entire road as it landed. out of the smaller ships came out about 12 amethyst guards. The ruby tried to avoid them but was frozen by a voice, "it's over now", the small red gem turned around horrified, a smaller blue gem, a sapphire, surrounded by 4 of the guards said this, "we have almost all of you, so give up".

Out of the biggest ship the peridot Steven saw at the warp and a very tall orange and red gem with long white hair who had their gem for their nose stepped out and observed the site. the ruby was quickly grabbed by the amethyst guards and pulled into the big ship, the Sapphire went back into a smaller ship with amethysts saluting her.

"So we have all these people that where breaking my things now can we go check on the cluster!?", peridot complained, typing in another one of her logs, "we can't leave yet!", the taller one snapped at peridot, making her flinch and nearly break her screen, "rose quartz takes priority, we have found the rest of the army now we only need to find her!", "but jasper! That's not why we where sent here!", peridot tried to speak to the jasper but was just waved away. "Jasper.....", Steven thought, "was she the ultimate jasper was heard about at that kindergarten!?".

"We have found the rest of the crystal gems! We must now focus on finding rose quartz, let's fly to similar places to where we found them!", jasper commanded to the amethysts who all quickly listened and got back in their ships, only some noticed that the humans near by where in fact their leader holly blue and blue diamond who was still injured and laying on the ground, but they didn't say anything and quickly flew off. "At least those miserable chunks of earth are finally doing something", holly blue mumbled as she watched them fly off, slightly annoyed they didn't let her get on or even speak to her.

After the ships left an ambulance drove to the scene, Connie's mother was there, "I got your call Mr universe!", she said to Greg, jumping out the ambulance with other emergency workers and doctors loading blue into the ambulance, a bit of blood ran down her mouth, Steven tried to get in the ambulance with her but was dragged back by pearl and greg, "you can see her tomorrow, this is very serious!", priyanka called back, slamming the doors and driving off. "Mrs maheswaran.... I'm OK I promise..." blue said, laying down in the ambulance, her goggles had shattered and her clothes where burnt, "you obviously are not!", priyanka said to blue, "fine you're the boss here doctor lady!".

Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن