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Molly parked her car in front of their quaint suburban house, the summer sun beating down on the pavement as she hurried up the stairs. The scent of freshly cut grass filled the air, mingling with the warmth of the day as July had just begun. She pushed open the front door, the familiar sight of their home greeting her.

Kicking off her heels in the entryway, Molly made her way to Spencer's office, finding him seated at his desk, engrossed in a stack of papers. He had recently taken up teaching full time, a decision they had both embraced wholeheartedly.

With a mischievous grin, Molly bounded over to him, a piece of paper clutched in her hand. She wasted no time, jumping onto his lap and wrapping her arms around him.

Spencer looked up in surprise, a twinkle in his eyes as he asked, "What have you got there?"

But Molly was one step ahead, holding the paper behind his neck and out of his reach, teasingly keeping it just beyond his grasp in the air. She giggled, enjoying their playful exchange as she skillfully dodged his attempts to snatch it from her.

Her voice quivered with a mix of excitement and nerves as she began to speak. Spencer's eyes were fixed on her, his expression a mixture of anticipation and curiosity.

"Spencer, there's something I need to tell you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. He nodded, urging her to continue with a gentle smile.

"A few days ago, I just had this feeling..." Molly's words trailed off momentarily as she recalled the moment vividly. Spencer's brow furrowed slightly, his curiosity growing with each passing second.

"I bought a test," she continued, her voice gaining confidence as she spoke. "And when I saw those two lines, I couldn't believe it. But I didn't want to get our hopes up, you know?"

Spencer's eyes widened in surprise, his heart pounding with anticipation. "So, I went to the gynecologist, just to be sure," Molly explained, a hint of laughter in her voice. "And there it was, clear as day... Spencer Reid... You... are gonna be a dad."

Molly's laughter bubbled up as she watched Spencer's reaction, her heart swelling with love. She gave him the ultrasound image, and as he took it, his eyes widened in awe.

Without a word, he pulled her close, his lips meeting hers in a tender and joyous kiss.

Molly couldn't help but giggle between kisses, her laughter mingling with Spencer's.

And although life isn't easy, they knew one thing for certain - they would keep holding on, together, forever.


That's it. It's over. This is the end. Yep... Hope you guys liked it! I had fun!

Thank you to everybody who read this, left comments, voted, and added this story to your lists - thank you! 

If anybody is interested, I have a new story already up called 'I'm Such a Fool for You'! I'm really proud of it! And I'm gonna start working now on my new idea!

I wanna write a story for a writing challenge on Tumblr! The story is gonna be called 'A Second Chance' and it's gonna be about Spencer and OC being besties from childhood who fell in love as teens and had a baby, but OC has given it up for adoption. Years later, they are reunited!

I also have many other ideas that I will eventually get into! You can see their synopses and all my updates on my Tumblr! (I have the same username or just click on my linktree in my description).


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