chapter 14

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a/n: i realise that the are fucking in like every chapter. i know okay? what about it? enjoy <3 (smut: soft femdom? oral - female receiving, handjob)

Coming back from the case in Georgia, the team's discussions about relationships and marriages occupied Spencer's thoughts. 

As he reflected on the matter, he became increasingly aware of the fact that he and Molly hadn't had in-depth conversations about their long-term aspirations, especially regarding marriage.

During the flight, Spencer observed his teammates sharing their views on relationships, commitment, and marriage. The discussions prompted him to consider his own feelings on these subjects. 

He always thought that one day he'd get married and have kids. That was what he saw in his future. And he would do all of that with Molly if she wanted to. 

However, he grappled with the realization that he had never asked her about her feelings on the matter.

Unsure of how to approach the conversation without causing any discomfort, he contemplated the best way to understand her perspective and desires.

After much contemplation he decided that a straightforward conversation was the best approach. While he acknowledged that they hadn't been together for an extended period, he believed that discussing Molly's desires didn't necessarily commit them to anything at this stage. 

He saw it as an opportunity to understand her perspective, ensuring they were on the same page regarding their relationship's future and whether she envisioned a potential future together.

A part of Spencer was apprehensive about the possibility that Molly might express hesitations or uncertainties about marrying him specifically. He recognized that this didn't necessarily equate to her never wanting to marry anyone. 

However, if she were open to marrying someone else in the future, it might imply that her feelings toward him weren't aligned with his feelings for her. The prospect of such a conversation carried a mix of hope and fear for him.

He pondered Molly's thoughts on marriage. He knew she was more inclined towards the dreamy notions of romance. He also found comfort in the fact that she enjoyed spending time with children. 

Molly had a natural affinity with kids, and they, in turn, adored her. The question that lingered in Spencer's mind was whether Molly envisioned having children of her own in the future.

As Spencer entered Molly's apartment, he noticed her curled up in her bed. Given the late hour, it was no surprise that she was ready to settle down for the night. 

After checking on her, Spencer realized that Molly was not asleep, and she greeted him with a warm "Hi Spence!"

He asked about her day, and she replied, "Good. Yours?" He hesitated, a hint of contemplation in his eyes, and Molly sensed there was something on his mind. 

"Come on, Spencer, spill it out," she encouraged, sensing he had something important to share. He sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes fixed on Molly.

He shared details about the case involving a wedding vendor and how the team had discussions about marriages. 

He took a moment and then nervously broached the topic, "Don't be scared, Molly. I just wanted to ask.... do you wanna get married one day? I'm not saying with me... specifically, but, you know... as an idea... would you like to get married one day? Is it something... you wanted... growing up?"

Molly sat up a bit, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She took a deep breath before she started to share her thoughts. 

"You know, Spencer, marriage... it's never really been something I actively wanted. Would it be nice? To find someone you want to spend your whole life with and share everything with? Of course. 

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