chapter 17

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Molly and Spencer had eagerly anticipated their trip to Vegas to visit Spencer's mom during the Christmas holidays. They had everything planned out, from sightseeing to spending quality time with Diana. 

However, their plans took an unexpected turn when Spencer was called away on a sudden case, throwing their vacation into disarray.

Disappointed but understanding, Molly and Spencer resigned themselves to spending Christmas alone together. They tried to make the best of the situation, decorating their homes with festive ornaments and enjoying each other's company before he had to leave.

As the days passed, Molly struggled to maintain her spirits, attempting to distract herself with movies and books. 

However, with each day, it became increasingly evident that Spencer wouldn't make it home for Christmas Day at all. The anticipation of his return had slowly transformed into disappointment and heartache, casting a shadow over what should have been a joyous holiday season. 

The absence of Spencer weighed heavily on Molly, leaving her feeling lonely and longing for his presence more than ever.

As the evening of the last day of Christmas approached, Molly's phone lit up with a text from Spencer. The case was finally over, and they were heading home. He would be home late, but he wanted to come over as soon as possible.

Despite already being in her robe and ready to settle into bed, Molly decided to stay positive and distract herself from her emotions by remaining in the kitchen and cooking something for them.

She didn't want to admit it to Spencer, but the truth was, she had been shedding tears in solitude over the past few days. Christmas had always been a challenging time for her.

The thought of finally having someone like Spencer to share these days with brought both comfort and joy to Molly's heart. But it didn't happen.

Despite her efforts to stay composed, the weight of her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. It wasn't just about having someone by her side—it was about having Spencer.

As Molly stood in the kitchen, lost in her thoughts and trying to cook a meal for their belated Christmas dinner, Spencer unexpectedly showed up. 

Startled by the sound of the door opening, she blinked rapidly, trying to rid her eyes of the wetness that betrayed her inner turmoil.

Spencer entered the room and Molly felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over her. She wasn't mad at him for being called away on a case; she understood the demands of his job. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and frustration.

Despite her attempts to push aside her doubts and fears, Molly couldn't help but feel foolish for allowing herself to hope for something more this Christmas. She had dared to believe that this time would be different. But now, faced with the reality of Spencer's unexpected return and her own dashed expectations, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and resignation.

"Hi," he said softly as he entered the room, breaking the tense silence.

"Hi," she responded, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and apprehension.

He closed the distance between them, his steps hesitant yet purposeful. "I'm so sorry," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine remorse.

Molly finally turned to face him, offering a small but genuine smile. "It's okay," she reassured him, her words laced with warmth and understanding. "I'm just happy you're back and that you're okay."

As Spencer drew closer, he couldn't help but notice the redness and swelling in her eyes, a stark contrast to the smile on her lips. Concern etched his features as he reached out to gently touch her arm.

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