chapter 15

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JJ found herself overwhelmed with the demands of the day. Will had to rush to work due to an unexpected emergency, leaving her with their newborn and no immediate support. 

Even her mom couldn't arrive quickly enough to lend a hand. Feeling the weight of the situation, JJ reached out to Molly and Spencer, hoping they could assist by taking care of Henry for the day.

Molly immediately agreed to help. She swiftly made her way to JJ's place, ready to offer support. Taking Henry to the park to ease the load on her friend. 

The sun was beginning its descent, casting a warm, golden glow over the playground where Molly and Henry enjoyed the swings and slides. In the midst of their laughter and play, Spencer joined the duo.

As the evening approached and Henry's energy began to wane, Molly suggested they head to her place. The promise of a warm soup on a chilly evening was too tempting to resist.

Seated around the table, Molly served a steaming bowl of homemade soup, its aroma filling the room. The trio, now cozy in Molly's cheerful space, engaged in light-hearted conversation.

Henry, his curiosity piqued, turned to Spencer with a question that held a depth beyond his years.

"Uncle Spencer, why don't you have kids?" Henry's innocent inquiry hung in the air, momentarily silencing the room. Spencer, taking a thoughtful sip of the soup, smiled gently.

"Well, Henry, everyone's journey is a bit different. Some people have kids, and some don't. It's not that I don't want them; it just hasn't happened for me yet," Spencer explained, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sincerity and introspection.

Molly, sensing the weight behind Spencer's words, chimed in, "People have different paths in life. Some find joy in having children, while others discover it in different ways. Spencer has a lot of love to give, even if he doesn't have kids of his own."

Henry nodded, processing the information. "Oh, like how you take care of me sometimes, Uncle Spencer?"

"Exactly... Like how I take care of you and how Molly and I take care of each other," Spencer affirmed, his gaze shifting from Henry to Molly. The room seemed to hold its breath for a beat, a silent acknowledgment passing between the two adults.

"If you had a kid would they be as smart as you?"

Henry's innocent question brought a hearty laugh from Molly. She smiled affectionately, amused by the simplicity of his curiosity.

"Well... there's a good chance they'd be as smart as me, but you know, I don't really mind either way. What's most important is that they would be happy and kind."

Henry nodded thoughtfully, seemingly satisfied with the answer.

In that tender moment, as Spencer's chuckle filled the room and his fingers ruffled Henry's hair, a shared understanding passed between Molly and Spencer as their eyes met.

Molly's smile mirrored Spencer's.

Once the dinner was over the vibrant notes of the piano danced through the air as Henry eagerly approached Molly's cherished instrument. Positioned by the window, the piano seemed to bask in the glow of the fading sunlight, inviting the young boy to explore its melodic possibilities.

"Can you teach me something new, Molly?" Henry's eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement as he awaited Molly's guidance. 

The duo seated themselves at the piano bench, side by side, ready to embark on a musical journey.

The first few chords resonated, a harmonious blend of teacher and student. Molly's hands gracefully moved across the keys, guiding Henry through the intricacies of the composition.

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