chapter 09

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a/n: mentions of addiction, smut (mutual masturbation)

The evening unfolded at a quaint restaurant, with Molly engrossed in casual conversation with Spencer after a rough day of solving a challenging case. 

The atmosphere around them was lively, filled with the clinks of cutlery and the hum of other diners enjoying their meals.

Their eyes inadvertently caught sight of a teenage girl celebrating her birthday with her family at a nearby table. It sparked a gentle smile from Molly, and Spencer couldn't help but observe the heartfelt moments shared between the girl and her family.

Molly's thoughts, however, seemed to wander into a more reflective space. 

"When's your birthday?" he asked, his gaze fixed on Molly, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"Well... it's, you know... every year," Molly replied, a playful glint in her eye.

He chuckled, "Well umm...yeah, that's the thing with birthdays. They happen every 365 days." His laughter filled the space between them.

A moment of quiet lingered, Molly contemplating something as she toyed with the rim of her glass.

"Come on? Did I miss it?" he inquired, his expression shifting to a mix of concern and teasing.

"No, no, you didn't. It's... soon," Molly finally revealed, a subtle smile playing on her lips.

"How soon? Why didn't you say something?" he pressed, his interest piqued.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Spencer inquired with genuine curiosity, his hazel eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and concern. "We have to do something special to celebrate. It's your day, Molly."

She hesitated, her gaze fixated on the tabletop. "I don't really do celebrations, Spencer. Birthdays usually bring more tears than joy for me... I'd rather treat it like any other day."

Spencer, sensing the weight of her words, leaned in a bit closer, "I understand, Molly. But everyone deserves to feel special on their birthday. Trust me... we can make it a good day. I'll make it a good day..."

Molly looked into his earnest eyes, a hint of skepticism lingering. However, Spencer's persuasive charm worked its magic, and after a bit of convincing, he managed to sway her.

"It's summer, and I have a bunch of vacation days saved up," Spencer suggested. "How about we go on a short trip? A beach town, perhaps? We can relax, enjoy the sun... and make some new memories."

Despite her initial resistance, Molly found herself intrigued by the idea. She loved the beach and he knew that. 

He hated it but wanted to go for her. Spencer's genuine desire to make her birthday memorable tugged at her heart, and against her usual instincts, she agreed to the impromptu getaway.


As Molly settled into the driver's seat, determined to take control of the wheel despite Spencer's offer to drive, the engine hummed to life. 

Aware of Spencer's aversion to driving, Molly insisted on taking the wheel, confident in her abilities as an excellent driver.

She wanted to ensure Spencer felt at ease during the journey, emphasizing her willingness to handle the driving responsibilities. 

Spencer adjusted himself in the passenger seat, getting comfortable for the journey ahead.

Just as they were about to set off, the car's stereo unexpectedly burst into life, filling the space with a lively tune. 

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