chapter 43

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Molly slipped into her floral purple dress, the silky fabric cascading elegantly around her figure. With a satisfied nod at her reflection, she swept her hair up into a loose bun, allowing a few strands to frame her face delicately.

Just as she was fastening her earrings, Spencer entered the room, his eyes immediately lighting up at the sight of her. "Wow, Molly, you look absolutely stunning," he breathed, crossing the room to stand beside her.

A blush crept up Molly's cheeks at his words, her heart fluttering at the warmth in his gaze. "Thank you, Spencer," she replied, unable to hide her smile. "And you... you look incredibly dashing in that dark purple suit jacket. It suits you perfectly."

Spencer grinned, a hint of pride coloring his expression as he straightened his jacket. "Thanks!" he said, his eyes lingering on her admiringly. "Shall we go?"

As they arrived at the wedding venue, the air buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Friends and family greeted them warmly, their laughter mingling with the soft strains of music drifting from the ceremony space.

Molly found herself swept up in the joyous atmosphere, catching up with Garcia and Derek as they waited for the ceremony to begin.

Later they watched the ceremony unfold before them, standing hand in hand. The air was filled with love as Krystall and Rossi exchanged vows, their words carrying across the room like gentle whispers of promise.

Spencer's grip on Molly's hand tightened slightly, a silent reassurance of his presence by her side. As they listened to the heartfelt declarations of love, Molly felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her. They shared a glance, their eyes meeting in silent understanding.

As the music filled the room, Molly swayed gently to the rhythm, her hand resting lightly on Luke's shoulder as they moved across the dance floor

They twirled and spun and Molly's gaze wandered across the room, catching sight of JJ and Spencer engaged in conversation by the bar. She couldn't help but feel a pang of unease at the sight.

But she pushed the feeling aside, focusing instead on the warmth of Luke's hand in hers and the gentle rhythm of the music as it carried them across the dance floor.

After the ceremony, as guests mingled and danced, Molly excused herself to the bathroom. As she stood before the mirror, fixing her hair, the door swung open, and JJ entered.

Molly's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. She offered a tentative smile. "Hey, JJ," she greeted, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

JJ glanced up from her purse, taking out her lipstick and offering a small smile. "Hey, Molly. Having a good time?"

Molly's smile faltered slightly as she met JJ's gaze in the mirror. "Yeah, it's been nice," she replied, her tone polite but guarded. "The ceremony was beautiful, wasn't it?"

JJ nodded, her smile genuine as she touched up her lipstick. "It really was. Rossi and Krystall looked so beautiful up there."

"Yeah, they did." Molly agreed, her fingers twisting nervously around a strand of hair. The tension between them was palpable, lingering in the air like an unspoken question. "How are you?"

JJ's smile seemed forced, her eyes betraying a hint of unease. "I've been okay, you know. That last case was rough. I'm glad we made it back in time."

"Yeah, I can imagine," Molly replied, her voice tinged with sympathy. "I heard it was a lot."

JJ's smile faltered slightly, her gaze dropping back to her reflection. "Yeah, it was... intense. But we got through it, like we always do."

Molly nodded, her mind racing as she searched for the right words. "Right..." She laughed lightly, attempting to ease the tension as she started gathering her purse.

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