chapter 29

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Thoughts of Spencer and the tumultuous events they had experienced recently still played on Molly's mind.

Despite the weight of uncertainty that hung heavy on her shoulders, she knew she couldn't allow herself to succumb to despair.

With determination, she returned to her job after a brief absence, grateful that a substitute teacher had been found to cover for her during those trying days.

Back in the familiar rhythm of the classroom, Molly donned her teacher persona, mustering a smile and a warm demeanor for her students. She knew they relied on her not just for education, but for stability and reassurance in their young lives.

Teaching became a place where she could immerse herself in the needs of others and temporarily set aside her own worries. She poured her energy into lesson plans, engaging activities, and nurturing her students' growth, finding comfort in the routine and structure of the school day.

Yet beneath the facade of normalcy, Molly wasn't okay. Behind her professional demeanor, she harbored a profound ache. But for the sake of her students and her own sanity, she resolved to keep moving forward, one day at a time.

Her heart skipped a beat when she received Spencer's text on Friday evening. 

She hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with questions, but ultimately, she couldn't bring herself to refuse his request. 

With a sigh, she agreed to see him, knowing that she needed the closure that only a conversation with Spencer could provide.

She suddenly heard the knock on her door, her pulse quickened, her hands trembling slightly as she approached.

Peering through the peephole, she caught sight of Spencer's familiar figure, his presence both comforting and unsettling in equal measure. 

With a deep breath, she unlocked the door and swung it open.

She couldn't help but notice Spencer's attire. Instead of his usual suit pants, he was dressed in comfortable, casual pants, paired with a big green sweater. 

The departure from his typical clothes caught her off guard, but she found herself strangely drawn to the relaxed, unguarded version of him standing before her.

"I didn't want to give you a chance to change your mind, so I texted when I was already here. Sorry," Spencer's voice broke through the tense silence.

She managed a small nod, silently inviting him inside, her heart heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions.

She shifted uncomfortably, the weight of Spencer's presence both reassuring and disconcerting.

She knew him as someone inherently kind and gentle, incapable of causing harm, yet his unexpected outburst had shattered her sense of security a little bit.

With a heavy sigh, she pondered the complexity of their situation. Everything should have been fine, but instead, they found themselves mired in confusion and tension.

She stood there, arms crossed and eyes averted. She longed for simplicity, for the ease of their realationship before everything that happened.

"I'm sorry," Spencer said, his voice tinged with regret. "That I yelled. I'm embarrassed. I was frustrated and tired and angry, and those are not excuses. I should not have raised my voice at you. It wasn't okay. You didn't do anything. You just wanted to help. I'm sorry."

Spencer's apology hung in the air, his words a mixture of remorse and vulnerability. Molly felt a twinge of empathy as she sensed his internal struggle.

"It's okay," she replied softly, her voice tinged with understanding. "A lot was happening. I'm not mad."

Spencer's admission caught her off guard, his self-reproach evident in his words.

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