chapter 36

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warnings: mentions of miscarriage

Molly sat in the therapist's office, her fingers nervously tapping against her knee as she avoided the probing gaze of her counselor. 

She had been hesitant to start therapy, reluctant to open up about the worries and fears that had been plaguing her mind. And now, faced with the reality of confronting her emotions, she felt a knot tighten in her stomach.

The therapist, a kind-faced woman with gentle eyes, spoke softly, her voice coaxing Molly to share her thoughts. 

"Molly, I know it can be difficult to open up, especially when you're afraid of burdening someone else with your troubles. But bottling up your emotions will only make things harder in the long run. Your relationship with Spencer is important to you, I can tell. Talking to him can help you both navigate through the challenges you face. We've been talking about this for weeks. Don't you think he can see and... wants to know what's going on? "

Molly sighed, feeling the weight of the therapist's words settle on her shoulders. She knew deep down that her counselor was right—that keeping her worries to herself was only causing more harm than good. 

But the thought of burdening Spencer with her troubles, of adding to the weight he already carried, filled her with guilt and uncertainty.

"I know he can tell that something is wrong but he's been through so much already," Molly whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to add to his troubles. He's trying so hard to be strong for both of us."

The therapist nodded, her expression understanding. "I can see how much you care about Spencer, Molly. But it's important to remember that a healthy relationship is built on trust and communication. By sharing your thoughts and feelings with him, you're not burdening him—you're strengthening your bond and allowing him to support you in return. Maybe you should trust him a bit more?"

Molly chewed on her lower lip, her mind racing with doubts and insecurities. But deep down, she knew that she couldn't continue to hide her emotions from Spencer. He deserved to know what was troubling her, and deserved the chance to support her.

"What if you were in Spencer's spot? Would you like him to hide it from you?"

And as she imagined herself in Spencer's place, she realized that she would want to know if he was keeping something from her. She would want the chance to help him, to ease his burdens and share his struggles. And she knew that Spencer deserved the same opportunity.


As Spencer sat at his place, the ringing phone broke the silence. Seeing Molly's name flashing on the screen, he immediately picked up.

"Hey, Molly!"

"Hey, could I maybe come over if you're not busy? I... I need to talk to you," Molly replied, her voice sounding tired and strained.

"Of course, come over," Spencer said, his heart sinking at the fatigue evident in her voice.

A short while later, Molly arrived at Spencer's doorstep, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. Without a word, Spencer led her inside and guided her to the couch, where they both sat down. 

He could sense her hesitation, her struggle to find the right words to express herself.

Spencer gave her a reassuring smile, silently urging her to say what she needed to say. He could tell that she was finally ready to open up, to share the weight that she had been carrying alone for so long. 

And he was determined to be there for her, to listen without judgment and offer whatever support she needed.

So he sat there, calm and collected, paying full attention to every word she said. And as Molly began to speak, her voice gaining strength with each passing moment, Spencer felt a sense of relief wash over him.

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