chapter 07

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Molly and Spencer strolled through the fairgrounds, taking in the vibrant atmosphere of colorful lights, the laughter of people, and the enticing aroma of fair food. 

As they wandered past the thrilling rides, both agreed that the spinning attractions weren't exactly their cup of tea, opting for a more grounded experience.

Molly's eyes lit up when she spotted a shooting game, a row of adorable prizes tempting her. 

"Hey, Spencer, how about a little friendly competition?" she suggested, pointing towards the shooting range.

Spencer grinned, always up for a challenge. "Sure, why not? Let's see who's the better shot."

They approached the game booth, where a friendly carnival worker explained the rules and handed them each a toy gun.

The competition heated up as they aimed for the targets, the sound of popping balloons filling the air. Spencer's competitive spirit kicked in.

Despite Molly's less-than-stellar performance, Spencer emerged victorious in the shooting game. Grinning triumphantly, he turned to Molly and said, "Looks like I get to choose the prize. What would you like?"

The carnival employee gestured towards an array of plushies, showcasing various options.

 Molly's eyes gleamed with excitement as she confidently pointed to a pink bunny. "I want that one," she declared, her choice made since the moment she laid eyes on the booth.

Spencer nodded, enjoying the playful banter. "One pink bunny coming right up!" He exchanged a few game tokens for the coveted prize, handing the adorable plush toy to Molly with a satisfied smile.

As Molly cradled the pink bunny in her arms, she laughed and shook her head. "I don't know what I was thinking, trying to compete with you! I mean, you're an FBI agent, and you probably deal with... gun stuff all the time."

Spencer chuckled, appreciating her humor. "Well, I didn't want to show off too much," he teased. "Besides, it's all in good fun. We both had a great time, right?"

Molly nodded, smiling. "Absolutely. Even if my aim was terrible, I wouldn't trade this pink bunny for anything."

Standing near the teacup ride, Molly cast a hopeful glance at Spencer, her eyes sparkling with a playful plea. 

"I know we said no rides, and I get that this one's for kids, but please, can we go on the teacups?" she asked, a touch of excitement in her voice.

Spencer couldn't resist the infectious enthusiasm in Molly's eyes. He chuckled and nodded, saying, "Alright, just this once. But you owe me a rematch at the shooting game afterward."

Molly grinned, thrilled at the unexpected turn of events. "Deal! Teacups first, then a rematch."

They joined the line, ready to embrace the whimsical joy of the spinning teacup ride, momentarily letting go of their earlier decision to skip the rides.

As Molly and Spencer hopped onto the teacup ride, the colorful cups began to spin, and the laughter erupted uncontrollably. The carefree joy of the ride transformed them into gleeful participants, their laughter echoing through the air.

However, as they spun around, they couldn't help but notice the curious stares from nearby kids, who eyed them with a mixture of confusion and amusement. 

Molly and Spencer, undeterred by the odd looks, only laughed harder, enjoying the moment of childlike fun amidst the bemused glances of the younger riders. 

After leaving the teacup ride, they found themselves unable to stifle their laughter. 

Molly, still giggling, turned to Spencer with gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you," she said, her laughter blending with the words. "When I was little, I always begged my parents to let me go on the teacup ride, but they'd say it's stupid and a waste of money.... 

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