chapter 03

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Molly woke up with a renewed sense of excitement, looking forward to her upcoming meeting with Spencer. After a refreshing shower, she stood before her wardrobe, carefully selecting a lovely lilac purple dress.

Completing the ensemble, Molly paired the dress with crisp white socks and stylish white shoes.

After doing her light makeup and putting her hair up in a bun, she took a final glance in the mirror. She aimed for a comfortable yet stylish look for her late breakfast with Spencer.

Feeling satisfied with her choice, she headed out the door. The anticipation of the upcoming meeting lingered in the air, blending with the subtle excitement that danced in her eyes.

Molly decided to enjoy a leisurely 20-minute walk to the cafe where she and Spencer planned to meet. The May sun gently kissed her skin, casting a warm glow that felt just right. 

The weather was delightful—bright enough to create a cheerful atmosphere, yet the sun's rays were tempered by a gentle breeze, making the stroll all the more enjoyable.

As she approached the cafe, she spotted Spencer waiting for her. His presence seemed to add a sprinkle of magic to the surroundings. Spencer stood there, tall and endearing, with his unruly chestnut hair falling in a charming disarray. 

Spencer stood there, radiating a casual charm that caught Molly's eye as she approached the cafe. His choice of attire was more relaxed than the last time they met — a simple shirt without a tie, embracing a more laid-back style that perfectly suited the sunny May day.

The fabric of his light-colored shirt hinted at a soft texture, casually unbuttoned at the collar, allowing a glimpse of his pale skin underneath. The sleeves were casually rolled up, revealing lean forearms adorned with a watch.

His chestnut hair,  danced in the breeze. He stood slightly leaning against the cafe's facade. There was an unmistakable warmth in his gaze as he looked in Molly's direction.

She couldn't help but smile at the sight of him. As she approached, ready to share a delightful late breakfast, she noticed something in his hand.

Their eyes met, Molly's dark brown meeting his hazel, in a silent exchange that spoke volumes.

A smile lingered on Spencer's lips as he gazed at Molly, appreciating the lilac dress that complemented her features and the genuine warmth in her eyes. Molly, in turn, found herself captivated by the casual charm of Spencer.

Breaking the silence, they both uttered a simultaneous "Hello." The synchronicity of their greeting didn't go unnoticed, and it triggered a shared burst of laughter between Molly and Spencer. 

Now she could see what was in Spencer's hand. Wrapped in a ribbon was a book. The sunlight caught the sheen of the ribbon, creating a subtle sparkle that piqued Molly's curiosity.

Spencer noticed her looking at his hand and looked up, a smile playing on his lips as he extended the book toward her. "I thought you might enjoy this," he said, his hazel eyes holding a twinkle of excitement.

Molly's heart skipped a beat as she took the book from him, the ribbon unraveling with a gentle tug. The cover revealed a title "The Piano Teacher" and she couldn't help but feel touched by the thoughtful gesture.

"Thank you, Spencer. This is such a sweet surprise," Molly expressed, a genuine smile spreading across her face.

The aroma of breakfast filled the air as Spencer and Molly sat at the table, ready to enjoy their late morning meal. Molly took the first sip of her tea, savoring the warmth and flavor. Spencer, genuinely curious, looked at her with a twinkle in his eyes.

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