Chapter 4 - Origin

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Shailly and Kaya are in a small building, in a room, sitting side by side, facing the tutor Keren.

Kaya and Keren stare at each other. A duel of looks takes place, respectively with their faces closed. Tension rises.

Shailly embarrassed about the situation, raises both hands, forearm bent, palm facing outward, fingers extended upwards. She moves from left to right, dripping sweat on her forehead.

_ Shailly: " Uh... We're sorry for our action. We never should have...

She bows, closing her eyes, frightened.

_ Shailly: " It's my fault! "

_ Kaya: " Anything, I am the one who is proposed to you. "

_ Keren: " I don't care who started it. You'll both be punished. You'll be doing housework for a week in the mansion. "

_ Shailly: "Okay..." says tear drop

_ Keren: " Before you go to the cafeteria, I would like to know what your powers are. You with the tuft, I feel like you're using electricity right? "

_ Shailly: " No, I am magnetism! "

Keren's eyebrows are rising.

_ Keren: "Magnetism? "

Then put his elbows on the table and his chin on his hands.

_ Keren: " Hmm I understand better now.

_ Shailly: "Of what? "

_ Keren: " During our confrontation, for a short time you teleported right in front and behind me. I saw you planted four magnets around me in total. "

_ Shailly: " Yes. "

_ Keren: "Why didn't you teleport when I locked you in my stone igloo?"

Shailly scratches his head accompanied by a small grimace.

_ Shailly: " Because I was out of reach of my magnets. To teleport from one magnet to another, the maximum distance between the magnets and the ones I hold on me is 5 meters. "

_ Keren: "Okay, I see. What about your red hair?"

Shailly leans slightly towards Kaya, very curious.

_ Shailly: " What is yours? "

_ Kaya: " You call yourself red hair? And I have a name that's Kaya. I'm a No-Source. "

_ Shailly: "A Source-Less?

_ Keren: "That means she has no power. "

Shailly's pupils dilate, mouth open.

_ Shailly: "Whaaat?? Is it possible? "

_ Kaya: "Speak less loudly. "

_ Keren: " It's 7:45 pm, there's a little time before dinner. I'll tell you an interesting story. It is certainly the origin of the Sources, or at least how it is to list.

_ Shailly: " Oh, okay! "

_ Keren: " In this world there are 3 Classes, the elementary class, the hypnosis class and the unclassifiable. They are defined in several Sources. No individual can get multiple Sources. Either you have one or you don't.

_ Shailly: "I didn't know..."

_ Keren: "Finally, the Source is categorized into two Types. Type C and Type N. "

_ Shailly: "What is that? "

_ Keren: " Type C means Type Creation, so a Source that you create. Type N means Natural Type, so a Source that you draw from nature. In your case, you are of Elementary Class, Magnetic Source and Type C. "

Bright eyes form at Shailly.

_ Shailly: " Ohh too well! "

_ Keren: " What will make the difference between the two Types is your Source. If you have a Source that you cannot tap into because it is not nearby, your Type N will be useless. In other words, you won't be able to activate your power.

_ Shailly: " But what's wrong with being a Type N? "

_ Keren: "Not necessarily. If you have a Source nearby, you can exploit it endlessly and you will tire less quickly than a Type C. "

_ Shailly: " Incredible. " she said in a surprised tone

With a pale face, she looks at Kaya.

_ Shailly: " But why doesn't Kaya have a Source? "

_ Keren: " Unfortunately it's just a matter of probability. A majority owns or inherits a Source, the rest not.

Still crossed arms, an interrogation haunts the mind of Kaya..

_ Kaya: "I have a question. "

_ Keren: "Tell me. "

_ Kaya: " You said no individual can get multiple Sources. Yet in your fight against the bushy, you used several. "

_ Shailly: " Now that I think about it, that's true. " she thinks very surprised

_ Kaya: " How is that possible? " says the piercing look

_ Keren: "..."

Kaya looks persistently but the bell rings. Keren rises from her chair.

_ Keren: " You don't need to know. Anyway, you have to go.

He exits the building and leaves the two girls behind. Afterwards, the two come out and follow their guardian.

Meanwhile, at the mansion.

_ Gwen: " I'm leaving now. "

_ Moana: "Are you sure? The sun has set and you haven't eaten yet. "

_ Gwen: " I got into the habit of acting at night, and I will eat along the way. I just borrow a horse for the road. "

_ Moana: " Fine as you wish, and you can call me by name, even if I am the chief, we are the same age. "

_ Gwen: " How do you know my age? "

Moana: "My father was a good old friend of yours, and he told me about a girl who was the same age as me. I saw you once when I was little. So when I saw you again with your brother outside the village entrance, I immediately guessed.

_ Gwen: "Okay.

_ Moana: "Go away, I'll leave you alone. "

Gwen stands at the entrance of the mansion.

_ Gwen: " Don't worry if it takes me several days to arrive it's normal."

_ Moana: " No worries I trust you. That said, we have no means of communication so if you take too long, I'll take the second and last horse left to go looking for you. "

_ Gwen: "Thank you. "

At the cafeteria, everyone sits down, thanks for the meal, and begins to eat.

_ Maïko: "So how did it go in the office?"

_ Shailly: " One is punished to do the housework in the manor. " she says disappointed.

_ Sound: "That's not cool. "

_ Kona: "And how long will it last? "

_ Shailly: "A week. "

_ Jenna: "Good... Good luck. "

_ Shailly: " Thank you! "

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