Kiss of clarity and reconciliation

Start from the beginning

Caught off guard by Taehyung's sudden outburst, Jeongguk's expression registered a mixture of surprise and concern as he gazed up at his mate.

Jeongguk, his tone a blend of bemusement and concern, couldn't resist remarking, "I must admit, I am impressed by the complexity of your character and the distinct shift in your demeanor, particularly the favoritism bestowed upon me during my rut. However, I'm left wondering, what prompts this abrupt change?" Perturbed by Taehyung's sudden mood swing, he sought clarification, his gaze fixed intently on his mate, momentarily disregarding the faint noises emanating from the outside world.

Taehyung's countenance twisted with unmistakable anger, his features contorted as he retorted, "Do not feign innocence. Simply take a moment to survey our surroundings, and perhaps you'll comprehend the reason behind my reaction to an unbridled, shameless, and disrespectful display from a true-blooded alpha who, despite having a mate, chooses to indulge in his rut elsewhere." His words dripped with accusation, fueled by a sense of betrayal and hurt.

In response, Jeongguk blinked in disbelief, astonished by the misunderstanding that had taken root in Taehyung's mind, his expression a mix of bewilderment and amusement.

A heavy silence settled over the room as Jeongguk regarded his enraged mate with a steady gaze, absorbing the palpable tension that hung between them like a shroud. With deliberate care, he gradually released his grip on Taehyung's leg, shifting to a seated position as he watched the emotions play across his mate's face, his own expression a mix of amusement and affection.

Breaking the silence with a soft chuckle, Jeongguk shook his head in gentle disbelief at the accusation leveled against him. "Is this truly what you believe happened?" he queried, his tone laced with genuine curiosity as he continued to regard Taehyung with a tender gaze, seeking to bridge the gap of misunderstanding that had arisen between them.

Taehyung's irritation simmered beneath the surface as he observed the faint smile playing upon Jeongguk's lips, his frustration mounting at the apparent lack of seriousness from his mate. Refusing to waver in his stance, he maintained his resolve, determined not to be swayed by any attempts at manipulation.

"Don't presume to manipulate me," Taehyung asserted, his voice tinged with a hint of resentment as he recalled the sight of the omega in the hallway. "My convictions were firm, and perhaps I should have remained steadfast in my beliefs." His words carried a weight of disappointment, reflecting his inner turmoil at the perceived betrayal.

Attempting to extricate himself from the situation, Taehyung made a subtle move to withdraw, but Jeongguk's firm grasp on his hand halted his escape. Meeting his mate's gaze with a stern expression, Jeongguk's seriousness mirrored the gravity of the situation.

Taehyung, known for his resilience and strength of will, refused to yield easily to Jeongguk's grasp. Summoning his determination, he retaliated swiftly, launching his other hand in an attempt to strike Jeongguk's grip and break free. However, Jeongguk's reflexes were equally swift, intercepting the attack with his free hand to thwart Taehyung's efforts.

Undeterred, Taehyung pressed on, his resolve unyielding as he sought to break free from Jeongguk's hold. With a determined glare, he unleashed a punch aimed at his mate's torso, simultaneously attempting to dislodge Jeongguk with a forceful kick. Yet, despite his efforts, Jeongguk maintained his grip, refusing to release his hold on Taehyung.

As the struggle intensified, their movements became increasingly frantic, culminating in a sudden loss of balance that sent them both tumbling backward onto the bed. In the ensuing chaos, Taehyung found himself atop Jeongguk, their positions reversed as they grappled with each other in a tangled embrace.

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