Chapter 44: One Step Closer

Start from the beginning

Not ready to have this conversation just yet.

"Nothing gets past you, does it..... I knew this conversation was going to come up-"

"Please Ominis, it's been...... waying heavy on my mind since we left the room."

"Yes well, it's not necessarily a conversation that's easily to have Alora. But since you are now wrapped in this whole heartly........ as you know, my family is based off traditional marriages that are arranged by family. Ever since I interjected my life back into the Gaunts name, my name has been on the ballot to find a suitor to carry on the Gaunt legacy. Marvolo should be next in line but-....." He slightly chuckled, rolling his eyes slightly, "... he's too much of a lunatic to keep a wife, he's already gone through two already......"

My eyes widened.

"You're saying he-?"

Ominis nodded his head to me, "Yes........ the abuse and malicious punishment have unfortunately claimed their lives. So, after my father's approval he was no longer granted a wife. So ofcourse....... as you can guess, they turned to me. I've been turning down woman for the past years, but my family has been pushing for me to find a reasonable suitor. I've just refused, keeping them at arms length.... well, until now...."

I sighed, "Thats why you told them about me..... they would have no choice but to accept it of hopes to carry on their bloodline...."

It all made sense now....... I was never going to get in here untouched, this was truly the only way, and Ominis took that chance......

"Yes.... unfortunately..." He said softly.

"I'm sorry Ominis.... I never thought this was going to happen. This is my fault."

"Not going to argue with you anymore Alora, but yes. Yes, it is."

I turned, seeing him slightly grin.

I began to chuckle.

Oh the irony.....

I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion. Ready to just shut my eyes and wake up tomorrow and be somewhere else.

"Oh merlin...... this was not what I was expecting when coming here. I thought it would just be me forcing my way through there, casting havoc on those who opposed me. Now here I am......."

Then it dawned on me. Once again.... Ominis got me this far. He got me inside.... Even if it was under certainly unusual circumstances but.... Either way, I was one step closer.

"Ominis.." I said softly.

His eyes perked up at my voice.

"I um-.... well, thank you."

He turned his head, slightly confused.

"For what?"

"I guess... coming after me. Coming here and I guess... getting me inside......I didn't expect you to come."

My hand soothed over the soft velvet cushioned pillows, the silk velvet comforter on the bed. Dismissing my eyes away from him.

He sighed heavily, "In truth.... I wasn't going to. If you should be thanking anyone it should be Anne. She convinced me otherwise..."

Anne did? She..... wanted to save me?

A slight pinch to the heart made me almost shiver on impact. But what did I honestly expect? Him be my savior?

But maybe I just wanted him to care as much as I did....

"Why did you come then...." I said lowly.

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