
19 3 10

Some birds fly within flocks, they roam,
And sometimes, the path seems fraught with loam.

A distant horizon, a destination to seek,
But if one bird falters, unable to speak.

Falls silent, and tumbles, breathless, it lies,
Do the bonds of love and kinfolk, then arise?

In this world, this is the way of things,
Together, a torrent, apart, it stings.

(By: Sadia)


At that time he was sitting in his office looking at the file. Tabriz was on the chair in front of him leaning his back, hands folded on his chest. His eyes were constantly fixed on Hisham as if he wanted to kill him. But Hisham was engrossed in his work as if nothing else was important.

"Did you talk to the Mr. J. about this? What do they say?" He took his eyes off the file after a while and looked at it and asked him who was performing the duty of glaring him.

"He was saying that the design we have given him will disturb their budget." He replied gnashing his teeth.

"Did they not know about this before? They were sleeping. Then they loved our design. It'll cause us severe damages. Our employees would suffer."

Ignoring Tabriz's whining, he said in his characteristic stern tone, he was worried but was trying to control his anger. Tabriz sat up straight. He knew that there is only a little time left for his temperament to get worse.

"They might have found someone else with a better offer, or it may be a threat that make them do that, don't you think?" Tabriz said while thinking. He was also shocked realizing something. He had not even thought about this point.

"Jacob Anderson, aish. How did I forget that. Oh my god."

He pushed the file on the table and got up from the chair. Caressing his neck he took a deep breath and stood in front of the glass wall on his back, from which the outside view was visible. His eyes were fixed on the completely opposite building. He was looking at the large bill board,


written on it.

Jacob Anderson was his university fellow and later a rival in business world.

He was a university fellow and then a business manager. Both of them were enemies of each other since the university.

All this was for the sake of Jacob's girlfriend who broke up with him. It was for Hisham's sake as she liked him and he did not even know her face.

Then both of them faced each other in the matter of studies. Their clashes were further aggravated by Hisham's silence. That flared him up and worked as fuel to the fire between the two.

Together with equal grades, they graduated from university and both started their own businesses. The offices of both of them were also facing each other.

When it came to tender, both of them would start pulling. There was no way for Jacob to not to try to get that deal by any means possible or else he would have been trying to ruin this offer. Both were equal in the business world.

He, Jacob, indeed was a great businessman but his filthy tricks made him a cunning and scandalous person. He was known for his dirty work. Everyone was afraid of him.

"I think, it's your punishment." Tabriz said pulling a long face. He snapped out of his thoughts and twisted his head to see him with a question written on his face.

"You didn't even called me for your wedding. I'm your best friend Hisham." He protested.

"I told you it really was an emergency situation. It was impossible to inform anyone in a short time, rather you. Moreover,  it's just Nikkah not a proper marriage. I'll invite you then surely." He tried to explain the matter shrugging his shoulders.

"I'd cry if you didn't invite me then. I'd break all my ties with you. Keep it in your small brain." He directed him. Hisham burst into fit of laughter at his warning that soon his eyes were filled with tears. Tabriz was shocked at his response. Like seriously! He was laughing that hard?

"HISHAM You've changed a lot----after this family trip you have had a positive effect. you know , You look extra fresh." He was really happy about this change in the condition of his only friend. "It seems my sister-in-law's has a great influence on you. Haha!" He said with a bemusement clear in his expressions. That man really couldn't stay serious even for a second. Soon he was on his usual track.

"Allah! Bless me-'the sinner'-with a beautiful woman too. Everyone fall for this man standing over there. Am I not that much handsome to be loved by the opposite gender?" He pleaded raising his both hands in a praying manner.

"Should I tell you something useful Tabriz?" He asked in a beaming tone.
He nodded his head eagerly listening him all ears.

"You know you'd seem attractive if you stay quiet most the time. Believe me---women are really poisoned by men who talk too much", pretending to be serious, he tried hard to control his chuckling as not to anger him.

"Then.... then they should eat the same poison and die. I was Tabriz, I am Tabriz and I will stay as Tabriz. If someone wants to like me as it is then do, if not, then go to hell. . . Bkhsho bi billi chooha lndora hi bhla. (Spare me I'm fine without your advice, don't need your favor.) He said joining his hand as begging pardon. Getting up from his seat he left his office,
stomping his feet.

Hisham's expressions changed as he left. He moved towards his table and picked up the intercom, and waited for the other side to answer. As it was attended, he said, pursing his lips;

"Fix my meeting with Mr. John, I'll go there alone. Don't inform Tabriz." With that he disconnected it.

"This time, there will be an open war, Jacob. You have done enough damage. You were testing my patience. Now I'll tell you if you break someone's control, what happens." He said glaring at the "Anderson's designs " through the glass wall.

      'The twin killers of success are                        impatience and greed.'

    Thank you for reading. 🥰
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