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Houses crushed under silence, groan
A wave of sorrow from heaven flows
The Moon's painful lore of light
Wallowed in the dust of roads
The sleeping chambers sunk in gloam;
The drowsy tune of the life's lyre
Mourns in the mild tones.

By FAIZ Ahmad Faiz
Rendered into English by: Qaisrah Syed.

Warning: there's a self harming scene. Please, sensitive person refrain to read.

He was going to change for bed. He had taken his medication so he was being a little drowsy. His head was spinning, he was totally exhausted. He just wanted to fall in his bed and drown in the darkness of the world.

He opened his shirt buttons with shaky hands. He was about to remove it when the door at his back clicked and creaked open. Sufi left his room a few minutes ago, he forgot to lock his door. He was now irritated. 'Who was there to disturb him?' He thought.

He asked harshly, "who's this?" But no reply came.

"Zainab! What are you doing here that late." He turned and seeing her made him confused. So he asked hesitantly. He was feeling something off.

At his question she laughed hysterically.

"Why..... you thought it was someone else, like......Your beloved Amy?" She asked in a jealous tone. He found it weird the way she was talking to him. She was never that much frank to him that she'd speak in that way.

"Are you sick? She is not a child anymore. So she doesn't even come to my room that freely but when there's something urgent. You should go back, I've taken my meds, I'm gonna rest now." He ignored her as she was trying to reach him, and said cautiously. His vision was still not clear, he was hearing a ringing sound in his ears. Those were medicine's effects.

"You choosed her, why?" She asked standing at a few cms from him, looking into his eyes directly. He looked at her, asking for explanation for her statement.

"I loved you since long. I was engaged with you. But you preferred her over me. I'm more beautiful than her. hair....I had them cuz you like it . She didn't even want to have anything related to you when you left. And you're going to marry her just to protect her! Moreover she wouldn't agree. I know her the best over these years."

" 'You're responsible for your own actions and words',you know." He asked in a quivery voice.

His eyes were foggy. He was irritated by her presence. He had to take an action to give her a warning to stay away from him. He sat on his bed and opened his table's drawer. He took something out of it.

Zainab's eyes moved towards his hand. It was a blade. Her face got pale with fear as someone had painted a brush with yellow paint.

" Why're you afraid? It's not like I'm going to hurt you. You know me very well as you've studied me day and night." He said and eyeing her brutally, he made a deep cut on his right arm, a little below his elbow. His arm started bleeding, sharp pain brought him back to his senses. Spinning sensation in his head was now lessened.

His blood eyes were fixed on her who was watching the crimson liquid oozing out of his arm with her eyes wide open.

'Was that person crazy?' Everything was in an 'awe' at his craziness.

Yes, he did it to keep his senses under control. He was egoistic. He didn't want to create any rumor or a story in his madness that would make him fall in sight of his own ones for the rest of his life.

As soon as he gained his composure, he got up from his seat in a frenzy, enduring the pain in his arm and rushed towards her.

She was expecting it so she immediately ran towards the door.

She descended the stairs and come down straight to Dadu's room.

She walked towards the room and without thinking, opened the door.

Amy and Dadu were busy talking.
They were both startled at this sudden act. Hisham, with fuming face was behind her. He was almost burning with anger.

"Grandma, he's gonna kill me. He's being animalistic, save me from this beast." Zainab was sobbing. She seemed terrified and her body was being shaky. Her dress and hair were disheveled.

Dadu was dumbfounded trying to interpret the situation.

Hisham was watching her with an awe at her demeanor. Hearing loud yelling and screaming of Zainab, everyone's gathered in Dadu's room. The situation was gonna get worse.

What happened, Zainab? Why have you been so noisy?" Aunty asked, holding her by the arms.

"mummy---mummy----this---" she was gasping, pointing to him. Her tear-streaked face made her vulnerable. Aunt hugged her and gently took her towards her room, hushing her. Uncle followed them with quick pace.

"What was this?" Daddy asked while Safi's swollen eyes watched the whole scene in agony. He moved away from the railing. He was at his door as he left from Hisham's when he noticed Zainab hurrying to his room. He was in a wonder. He followed her and got to know the whole thing.

"Uncle---she was acting strangely like a madman. I just took my meds and was about to sleep, and she's there talking I don't know what nonsense." He explained the whole situation.

Dadu was worried about the matter. She was feeling a Dejá vu. She had a gut feeling as her family seemed to be crumbling down slowly.

"Are you sane? Zainab you're my most beautiful and obedient daughter. Whatever you are doing is against your persona and the script. What were you doing there?" He asked her in a feisty manner.

"Dad! Please Dad! I beg you, please make him mine somehow. I'd die without him." She fall in his feet, crying and pleading.

"It's all your fault Khan,you've made my daughter a psycho. I warned you not to involve her in these matters but you didn't follow me. My poor child has to suffer now." Aunt said trying to make her sit on the bed to calm her. Who was sobbing in her arms now.

"You should remember what I've earned in the past, following you. I'm not going to listen you anymore." He growled at her and then directed his attention to Zainab and yelled.

"You should have control yourself, I 'was' and 'am' here to decide. I would tell you further what you've to do next. I would end that matter somehow. So stop being a mess now. Worthless kid!" He said and marched to the bathroom.

She was still crying in her mother's arms. Aunt was comforting her with soft pecks on her head and whispering some things.


I have endured, I have been broken, I have known hardship, I have lost myself. But there I stand, still moving forward, growing stronger every day.

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