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"I longed for moments by your side,
But fate denied, let's take it in stride.

This helplessness, four hundred fold,
Tangled, ensnared, in a tale untold.

You know it all, yet you failed to see,
Let's move on, it's fine, let it be.

I never sought to show my pain,
Even to friends, my grievances in vain.

Unheard, the cries within my chest,
Still, I stayed silent, it's for the best."


It was dark at night. They were at Islamabad international airport to see Sha'ban off. He was leaving for California university, US. He was happy and sad at same time. They were chattering to cheer him up. Dadu, Zainab and Baba were at home. Hisham, Amy and Safi were there with their parents too.

"Good luck with your dream." Amy wished him smiling genuinely. He too grinned and gave her a longing look. Safi was observing everything. He embraced him and whispered in his ear with a little voice:

"I think I know California is not your dream university, it's just an excuse to distant and distract yourself from certain something or someone. No??" An evil smirk spread on his lips as he had just realized someone's most horribly important secret.

Shabby gulped hardly and looked at his surroundings. Everyone was busy making jokes about something and laughing hard. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath.

"What do you mean?" He growled with trembling tone. Safi laughed at his state.

"Y'all think I don't know what's going on around me. I'm younger not dumber. Now tell me I'm wrong." He rolled his eyes with sarcasm.

"What you talkin' about." Amy surely was eavesdropping.

"N-nothing particular." Covering Sufi's mouth with his palm he answered hastily and then called out his parents.

"Ma, Dad!, it's time for boarding." Announcement was going on. They all turned their attention to him.

"Allah hafiz, my son!" Aunt said hugging him with love and pecking his forehead. He too in reply kissed her hand. Then embraced his father in a men's hug and greeting others with a 'good bye' he went to the terminal.

Until his flight didn't take off they stayed there. Then they left for home. Amy, Safi and Hisham were in the same car and others were with driver.

They stopped at a Restaurant on their way to buy something to eat. Everyone agreed on pizza. Amy was being clingy with Hisham and Safi was making funny jokes about her.
Both were firing harsh words and shooting glares at each other. Hisham was laughing at their behavior and was enjoying their company (rather I'd say that it was a fight. As they turned even a peaceful place into a fighting ring.)


"It's been many years, Shaamu! You're engaged to her, she's your fiancee. You've to marry her now or then. So what's wrong marrying her now." It was Dadu, asking him.

"Maa, you know I was not ready for engagement with her but uncle did it. I can't marry her, she's just like my little sister. How......." He sighed. He didn't know how to make them understand.

They were in Grandma's room, sitting on her bed. He was lying in her lap and She was giving him a head-massage.

"Hisham, I don't know when I'll get called by Him(almighty). I want you get married before I die. I want to see your children playing in here. Won't you make my wish come true in my life." She was now emotionally blackmailing him. He was exhausted. He got up and holding her hand he gave a kiss on it.

"You know a good wife is the best thing in man's life. She can cure his heart and heal his soul. She can make a man powerful enough to make him bear any kind of suffering. When you've a good partner, journey to your life becomes convenient. You can see me and your grandfather." She was convincing him.

"Then what about my parents. You know what happened. What if I too get a not-so-great partner. My journey will be hard." He was disheartened.

He knew how much his mother suffered. She was tortured physically and mentally by his father. She was too much abused physically that she was in coma when he was born. Soon after she died in the same state. And he became orphan when he was about 2 weeks old.

His father refused to take him in and cut ties with them. He didn't even cared to know his own child. Amy's mother took him as her own son.

He was about 8 years old when Amy was born and he named that little girl as 'Iman'. He cared for her like a fragile doll made of glass. He prepared feeder for her and took care of other things too.

After her aunt's accidental death, he considered her as her sole responsibility. He didn't let others do her tasks or attend her. He was used to left her to grandma when he was at school. All the other time he spent caring her even in his sleep. He did his studies when she was sound asleep.

But for some reasons he had to left her. Everything was changed now. She was now grown enough to take her care by herself. She didn't need anyone to look her after.

"No two things or people are same in the world, my kid. You know that as you've seen it all. Look at us, your two uncles. It was unfortunate that Amy's mother died but they too were happy in their life." She reasoned. He sighed.

"Ok, I'll Maa, but please not her. Please, I really consider her as my blood related sister. I won't be able to fulfill your wishes then." He bowed his head in acceptance. Dadu was extremely happy hearing him. Whether it's her or someone else, he would be married soon. He himself agreed with that.

She patted his head beaming brightly.

"You'll be happy with whomever you marry. She'll be luckiest to have you in her life." She was saying holding his face in her palms. He laughed at her words.

She turned herself back and left the door. She knew it for a long time. He was not hers. That's why he left years ago. So he can't get pressured about the matter. As she turned, Safi was horrified at her sudden act.

"I'm sorry sis, I didn't want to eavesdrop but I heard it on my way." Safi was being all apologetic.

She glanced around and without uttering any word, walked out. He was watching her back sympathetically. He was sad for her. She deserved to be loved. But he couldn't force or beg Hisham for that. He was sorry that he was good for nothing.

Hardships are to teach us something about our life. We won't be able to get to know the importance of those who are with us always, helping us in different ways to make a way out of this world.

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