While the beautiful woman was tasting my hair to see if my hair will not get burn by the other color. I saw Kelly looking at me the whole time.

"Why you looking at me like that?"
"Just so."
"You're beautiful." Kelly said as he stood up and kissed my cheek
"Thank you Kells."
"Alright, you're hair is good. It will be no problem. It will take 2 to 3 hours this whole thing but I'm sure you gonna love it at the end"
"No problem."
"So what's your name?" The woman asked me
"Katherina, and yours?"
"Ana. You are very beautiful by the way."
"Thank you so much, you as well sweetheart."
"Are you girls always like this?" Kelly asked confused
"Like what?" Ana asked
"Like this, like what just happened right now"
"Don't know what you talking about Kells."
"Oh come on, you both were flirting with each other"
"Oh no, that's not flirting that's just respect. A lot of woman's when they see a other beautiful woman they get jealous or they start talking shit about her. And some of them are fucking hot, they give you compliments and that's it. There is nothing more hot then when a woman makes a compliment to a other woman." Ana said
"That's right." I said
"And why when I give a beautiful compliment to a woman she doesn't take it the way I said it?"
"Because you don't mean it when you say it. Those kinda of compliments needs to come form the heart and not from you're dick. And by beautiful compliments I don't mean it "yo, you look hot" or "damn girl I wanna beng you tonight cause you look sexy as hell" not those kinda of compliments that's trash." I said
"Mm, oke I learned something today."
"And what?"
"That hanging out with girls it's fucking cool." Kelly said and me and Ana were laughing at him.

I was getting so fucking tired but Ana was almost ready. I can't wait to see the final result. Kelly was reading magazines or smoking cigarettes. He could literally just leave but he doesn't. He really have a lot of nerves to wait this long for me.

After 4 hours of working, Ana did a fucking amazing job.

"Aand done."
"Oh my god." Kelly said as he came back in from smoking his cigarette
"You, look amazing. This hair color looks so good on you." Kelly said
"Aww thank you." I gave him a hug
"You guys should really go on a date I see the way you look at each other."
"Tell her that." Kelly whispered to Ana
"Ey, I still can hear you, mother fucker." I slapped his arm
"See this what I have to deal with, she's always choosing violence." Kelly said to Ana
"Can I see it?" I asked Ana
"Of course. Come with me to the big mirror."
I looked at my self in the mirror and I could believe my eyes.
I looked so beautiful. Oh my gosh I love this color on me.

My new hair color:

"Thank you so much, I love it

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"Thank you so much, I love it." I hugged Ana
"Any time beautiful."
"Alright we need to go cause I need to get ready for work in one hour. How much is it?" I asked
"150 dollars" Ana said
I was about to take my wallet out when Kelly took my hand away from my purse.
"What are you doing?"
"Paying, and you?"
"Kelly you can't pay for me"
"Just shsh, you're out with a man not with a little boy."
"Listen to him Kath." Ana said smiling.
"Thank you again sweetheart." I gave Ana a hug

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