Carist - and a General

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I'm thinking of making this chapter special, just for y'all to see more of Reverse. Actually, to be honest, I lost all my progress in the chapter I previously worked on, hence the sudden plot change😅😭


Reverse walked along the road leading to Rintis Academy. He had a can of soda in his hand, and he happily chucked it open before relieving his thirst.

"Now where did those ungrateful pile of junk went? Revan said they'll be around here in the evening," he questioned himself, wiping the soda from his cheeks.

Just then, he furrowed his eyes and made a long jumped to the side, side-eyeing a running figure in the distance.

It was Ying and Yaya. They ran closer to Reverse with their power watch glowing and a ready position.

"You two are really confident in your abilities," he coldly said.
"Where did Boboiboy go? We didn't see him in his house," Yaya asked.
"Are you slow? Of coirse he came back to Carist Clan. Didn't he told you all yesterday? Also, where is that fat bandana guy?"

The girls looked at each other, clearly skeptical of Reverse.

"Now why are you two looking like that? You. The one with the glasses," Reverse pointed. "Didn't you just try to trap me? Time Manipulation, eh? You were trying to slow me down."

Ying begrudgingly nodded. She loosened her alarmed position a bit.

"So what?" She said.
"Wow. You're bold," Reverse smirked.
"See, whoever attacks an opposing party first, means that they are challenging the party to a battle. Am I right?"
"Now what, pray tell, made you think that?" Yaya clicked her tounge.
"Well, I don't know. Maybe because that's just how combat works?" He flicked his hand.

Suddenly, a massive dagger was conjured above Ying, nearly crushing her. She managed to dodge in time before her eyes widened when a massive crater appeared right where she was standing a few seconds ago.

"Are you really trying to kill us?" Yaya angrily said.
"What? I thought you're used to these kinds of stuff!"

Reverse launched himself forward, conjuring another dagger in his fist. He attacked the astonished Yaya, who didn't managed to dodge in time, causing her to be exposed to the immense impact.

"Yaya!" Ying ran to her with a worried face.
"Sometimes you need to acknowledge the fact that there are people you'll never be able to defeat no matter how hard you try."

Ying became enraged and started to blindly attack Reverse.

"Attacks can't be formed just from emotions!" He said, dodging every attack.
"Your body and mind needs to be in sync for you to unleash your full potential!"
"Shut up!"

Yaya watched from the distance, still laying down. She knew that fighting Reverse would be of no use, and she didn't favor Ying's enraged action just because of that one attack.

"Ying! Calm yourself down! I'm fine, see?"
"I gotta do something to make this friend of yours stop! She's mad! You approve?" Reverse said.
"Eh? Approve what-"


"I'm still quite angry about that," Ying pouted.
"Well, I can't say anything about that. I didn't know any other way to persuade you guys, so I used the 'kidnapping' technique instead."

Earlier, Reverse threw a smoke bomb to the ground, which limited the girl's vision. When they were busy enough, Reverse used a small scaled attack which was strong enough to make them faint only for a few minutes.

He brought the two girls through the portal device, and was soon met with a confused General Sarival.

"Lord Cloy, who are the two girls you're carrying?" He bowed.
"They're friends of Revan. He told me to bring them here," Reverse patted Sarival's back.
"I don't quite think that's what Lord Revan meant."
"Dawww, stop being such a killjoy!" Reverse laughed.

And now, as you might have already guessed, Ying was not happy at Reverse's action, and would not hear a single word from him.

"What about Gopal? Why didn't you bring him here too?" Yaya asked politely.
"He wouldn't be of much help. I don't like his smug face whenever he is awarded for something Revan did, instead of him."

Yaya giggled at that statement.

"Oi, I was just being honest, okay?"
"It's not that. The fact that you've practically been around us for so long is just weird!"

Reverse too, started to laugh at this. For a moment, Ying also forgot that she was mad at Reverse and giggled along.

An hour had passed, and Reverse started to question Boboiboy's where abouts. He impatiently attempted to contact him, yet failed.

Meanwhile, the girl were taking a stroll around Carist, and was amazed by how destructed the place was, yet it maintained its peaceful atmosphere.

"The bloody sky looks like a sunset, don't you think?" Ying said admiringly.
"Yea. The ruins here look like marvel. Straight from a novel."

After walking for a longer while, they learned that there are a few people who managed to maintain their previous physical form.

"Oh, it's you girls!" General Sarival waved.
"Sorry... Do we know you?" Yaya tilted her head.
"Silly me, of course you don't. I'm General Sarival, fine ladies. Pleasure meeting you."

Ying liked the general. She liked him more than Reverse. Sarival had a confident posture, with quite a long silky navy hair and a body that was full of scars. But he had a heart as soft as cotton, and such a bright smile.

"I saw Lord Cloy carry the both of you here. And I thought something bad must've happened, so I wanted to check."
"Lord Cloy?" The girls asked in unison.
"That's Reverse's real name. They went undercover during their business outside the clans," Sarival explained.
"Ah I see."

They chatted away, discussing many things together as they start to approach the Castle of Pride.

"Oh! We're here already? Time really flies fast," Ying said.
"Time doesn't 'fly', in this clan, Ying. During the war, even time was destructed," the general solemnly replied.
"Can you tell us more about the war?" Asked the Chinese girl.

Sarival then started to elaborate what happened during the war, and how only Boboiboy and Reverse are the only royal members of the family left in the clan.

"I've heard from Lord Revan that his father was stillalive somewhere. But he himself doesn't know where his father could be," Sarival ended.
"I see. We're sorry to hear that," the girls said as they stopped in front of a castle.

The castle had a magnificent white color, as pure as milk. The pillars were made of fine melted silver, and was decorated with precious minerals such as emerald, ruby, topaz, sapphire, diamond, and many more. It had two outstanding towers on its left and right.

"It seems like this castle is the only one that's still standing," Yaya said.
"Yes. The people insisted that the castle was rebuilt to honor those who perished in the war."
"So is this like like a graveyard?" Ying looked shocked.
"You can say that. The armours spread across the hallways actually contain the physical corpses of the soldiers and citizens," Sarival answered again, looking quite sad.

Ying shivered at the thought of halls filled with corpses, but Yaya noticed Sarival's sad expression, and asked what was the matter.

"See, my father was an elite soldier and he fought valiantly in the war," he smiled bitterly.
"Tell us more about your life, Sir Sarival," Yaya softly said.

"Heh, it's a long story."


Looks like I'm back from hiatus, huh? This year's Ramadhan felt very short, and unfortunately I was on period during Eid yesterday. The family gathering wasn't as lively as last year, but it was still good to see my relatives. Anyway, I'm gonna see my friend tomorrow, yippeee.

(I was hiatus for a month not just because I was out of ideas, but also because I wanted to focus on Ramadhan rather than writing and other stuff)

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