Interlude: Cloy

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15 years ago, in the depths of Hilir...


A warm light coveted the Castle of Pride. A young boy peered curiously into the noisy room, where the people were all gathering.

"At long last, the 500 year cycle had started once more," the sound of a man echoed in the room.
"I declare Revan Herald Amato, the newly born prince, as the Protecter of Micalic!"

The room was struck with an earthquake-like screaming and clapping. The young boy covered his ears, shocked by hearing such an enthusiastic and loud sound.

Nobody came out of the room until the next few hours, when the boy had fallen asleep near the gigantic door. A few moments later, he was awakened by a light shake in his shoulder.

"Cloy... Did you fell asleep while waiting for us? Come on now, wake up. The celebration is over."
"Nghhh, what took you so long, Mama?" Cloy rubbed his eyes lazily.
"The crowd was very, very, excited dear. It took a long time to convince them to finally leave the room," the mother smiled softly.

As Cloy got up, he noticed that his uncle, Amato, was holding a baby in his hands, caressing his forehead.

"Ooh, is that the new baby cousin you told me I was going to have, Uncle Amato?" Cloy got up excitedly.
"Right you are, little one. Say hello to your cousin Revan!" Amato chuckled as he gave his newly born son to the hands of Cloy's mother.

As Cloy jumped with joy by seeing the baby Revan, Amato took his leave to check on his wife, the very one who gave birth to the glorious child. Not realizing this, Cloy continued to stare at Revan with an enthusiastic expression.

A few minutes later, Cloy found himself drowning in various books stored in the castle's rich library. He had already returned his baby cousin back to Uncle Amato once Revan started crying very loudly.

"... Micalic is a device created by the Glorious Five to accumulate all human knowledge and use it to intercept the future, as well as providing forbidden knowledge about fate to the humans. Yet there are no humans in history that is able to with stand the forbidden knowledge..."

Before he could finish reading his book, a loud explosion was heard outside the castle walls. This shocked him so much that he jumped from his original position.

Following with that explosion, there were hundreds of men dashing towards the front gate. The ceramic floor started to shake, making Cloy doubt whether it was able to keep itself from cracking any longer.

Out of sheer fear, he crawled to a dark corner and covered his head, thinking that it might protect him from any impact from above.

"Cloy?! Are you in here? Please, come out!" His mother's voice can be heard.
"I'm here, Mama! In the library!"

After rushing to the library's door, the both cuddled together in relief.

"What's going on Ma? There was a loud 'bang!' and then the floor started to shake-"
"That's not important right now. We, along with your cousin's family are moving to the Micalic. We will make it our new abode, leaving all the past behind."

Though confused, the young boy nodded and followed his mother's steps. He was shocked to see the Castle of Pride lying in ruins. Only the half of it remained standing before collapsing a few moments after they stepped outide.

There were several bodies scattered across the remnants of the Carist Clan have been bruttaly sliced and imp4l3d. Cloy shivered by the very sight of it, and tears of fear started to roll down his cheeks.

"What's going on, Mama?" He tightened his grip.
"I promise to tell you everything once we arrive at the Micalic. Come on, hurry now."

But just as his mother finished saying that, a sword made by pure darkness was violently thrown to her chest, creating blood stains across Cloy's terrified face.


It seemingly took such a long time for his mother to drop to the ground. A drop of tear rolled down from her eyes as she smiled bitterly towards her child. She is only glad that Cloy was spared, nothing more.

There was a pool of blood around Cloy's mother. She tried to make her lips say a final goodbye to her son, but her last breath finally left her lungs.

"Mama! Mama, please, wake up!" Cloy kneeled down to his mother.
"A child, huh. Though you are a future sinner, I shall spare your life. As your soul is still pure," the entity that killed Cloy's mother said coldly.
"You! What did you do to Mama? Bring her back!"

The entity just blinked before dashing to destroy the clan. Desperate, Cloy ran after the entity, demanding it to resurrect his mother.

But on his way, a giant rock was flown to him by another entity, similar to the one he was chasing.

As Cloy thought that he is going to end like his mother, an armoured man came and destroyed the rock using his Mecha-Blast. Cloy instantly reconized the man as his uncle, Amato.

"Let's go, Cloy! Grab on to me!" Amato turned to his nephew.
"B- but what about Mama?"
"She is no more, Cloy. We have to go now. We are the Clan's only hope," Amato lifted Cloy to his back.

And so they made an escape to the underground section of the clan. Miles and miles deep into the Earth's core, where a more advanced clan was located.

It was the clan who made the oath to protect the Micalic alongside Carist.

They are the ever rebellious Jurey Clan


C.F: If you are wondering on who exactly is this Cloy boy, then I want to inform you that it will be revealed in one or two more interlude chapters. So be patient!

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