Distortion Destructed

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As time passed by, Fang can't help but feel a strong sense of deja vu where ever he goes. The writing of blood, the trial, Gopal's intervention, everything. It feels like he's done all those things over and over again.

'This is... Odd. I never once felt such a strong sense of deja vu before. Does this have anything to do with Boboiboy? These strange occurences happened after he was gone. Maybe... No, I'm thinking of it too much.'

But the others don't seem to be experiencing the same feeling as him. Perhaps, he thought to himself, that it is just because of the fact that he is an alien. So he ignored it, even though he can't completely shake it off.

One day, after they went to Tok Aba's house, Fang went to the Kokotiam, hoping to get fresh air, while the others went back to their respective homes. He was hoping to get fresh air after contemplating so much.

Suddenly, a familiar looking spaceship descended into a nearby field. Fang almost instantly knew that it was his elder brother's ship, and rushed towards it.

"Big brother!" He exclaimed, as a beam of light shot into the ground.
"Pang! There is not much time left. Meet me here tomorrow the second you wake up. We can discuss with more time then," Kaizo said, opening his mask.
"Discuss? Discuss what?"
"You know exactly what it is. You've been spinning your head from this, right?" Kaizo smirked a little.

Catching what his brother meant at once, he gave his TAPOPS salute, and went back to his messy mansion, thinking about tomorrow, hoping that he can wake up early.


"Sorry to keep you waiting, Pang. Thing is, I didn't know I would be back at Tempur A station after I fell asleep," Kaizo softly patted his younger brother.
"It's okay. You're here to discuss about the strange feeling of deja vu, right?" Fang replied, receiving a nod as an answer.

"It seems to me, that someone has created a time distortion, making everything go in a loop. And this also affects other parts of the galaxy. It seems that someone is tampering with LoopBot once more."

Fang rested his chin at his index finger, contemplating. What Kaizo said did make sense. But then...

"But brother, LoopBot is still stored in TAPOPS-U, right? It hasn't moved an inch."

The both stared at each other for quite a while. Before Fang made a run for Tok Aba's house, with Kaizo tailing him from behind, utterly confused by his brother's action.

A few moments later, they arrive at the fence to the old man's house. Without any further consent, Fang barged inside, slamming the door wide open.

"What are you doing?! Pang, answer me!" Kaizo managed to hold Fang.
"I- he is the one behind this! I'm positive!" Fang's face bewildered.
"Who is him, Pang? Ochobot?"
"No, it's Boboiboy. He must be the one causing all this!"

"Pang..." Kaizo softly guided Fang into the room's couch, while Fang let out huffs.

"Now, tell me everything that happened. What you're thinking, and give me your thoughts regarding this. Don't try to lie, I know one when I see it."

So Fang told him everything. From Boboiboy's weird behavior, his request, the trial, the figure, and his view about this. He didn't try to hold anything back, he even stated that the other three friends were once more busy with the trial and the blood writing before he came here. Kaizo sat patiently, giving soft strokes at his Fang's back.

After telling every tit-bit detail to Kaizo, Fang felt his brother's hand shifting into a thinking pose.

"That is indeed odd. But you're telling me that Ochobot never appeared again when the time distortion started?"
"Yes. And the last thing he did was storming here to meet Boboiboy," Fang replied.
"It seems like the word 'Carist Clan' awakened a memory related to Boboiboy. Where is he now?" Kaizo asked again.
"Still in his room, isolating, I guess. He'll be in a fit of rage if I barge in unwanted."

Kaizo just gave a nod and started to walk upstairs, where Boboiboy's room is located. Confused, Fang decided to tail him with a questioning look.

"Didn't I just say that he'll be quite mad if we go in?" He said, holding his older brother's hand.
"We'll never know if we don't try," Kaizo just gave a small shrug.

So Fang stopped questioning his brother and continued to tail him. They stopped in front of a wooden door, with a black and purple aura emanating from it. This was the seal that Fang created at the request/order of Boboiboy.

Kaizo then made a signal for Fang to destroy the shield. Though still utterly confused, Fang obeyed and raised his hand. The same aura emanated from his hand, making the seal slowly fade away, until it was no more. They slowly opened the door, and a bright light blinded their vision.


"Ugh, what is this light!" Reverse groaned.

Boboiboy also protected his eyes from the light. Ochobot just floated around them, as the light doesn't affect his LED eyes. Time passed, and in front of them, two familiar figures stood.

Well... Stood isn't actually the right word...

*Vomiting noises intensifies*
"Let it all out, Pang. Let it all out," Kaizo patted Fang's back.
"The experience might be a tinsy bit much for you? Here, have some chocolate, it'll help," Boboiboy helped treating the poor porcupine.

Reverse stood there and seemed unhappy. An aura of strong hate emanated from him. Ochobot, who noticed this, blinked with confusion at him, yet ignored it completely.

"Where is this Boboiboy? And how did the two of us teleport here?" Kaizo turned to a more serious attire.
"First of all, I really hope you will not question anything here, mkay? I'll try to put everything simply," Boboiboy lifted his head, and gave a signal, allowing the twin brothers to sit down.

Reverse shoved A side reluctantly, while taking a step closer to his cousin. Keeping a safe distance with them.

So Boboiboy explained the situation, elaborated everything to his cap train, patiently answering his questions even though he had told him to not question anything.

"Yet after all that, how did we break the distortion?" Fang jumped into the conversation.
"Well, as long as no one is aware of the distortion and the cause of it, it will always remain there until the one who made the distortion broke it himself.

"This also might be caused by the fact that you two are aliens, but I'm not quite sure myself. But I do applaud for your keen instinct for your realization," Boboiboy innocently laughed.

Silence was cast upon the five, as Boboiboy continued to give orders to passing residents nearby.

"So, what is your next move, Boboiboy? Or should I say, Lord Revan?" Kaizo broke the silence, with a little teasing tone.

Boboiboy looked at Reverse, looking for approval, and received a nod from him. So he leaned his back forward, and rested his chin at his hands.

"You wouldn't like to hear it."

There's Two of Them? (Boboiboy&Reverse)Where stories live. Discover now