Interlude: The Two of Them

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Revan woke up after a seemingly long time had passed. He was instantly greeted with an unbearable feeling of frost. Then he realize that he was being tied up to a gigantic icicle using an energy rope.

But before he could give any reaction, the two entities approached him with swords drawn out. They studied him before turning around.

"Master. We had brought Revan Herald Amato, the new Protecter to you," the black entity said
"Please show yourself and do your will," the white entity followed.

The both kneeled down as a yellow energy started to accumulate in front of them, forming a human being. It was a man with a royal attire. He has a cape flowing down, that extends to his knees. He wears an armour made of iron with extensions of gold. A polearm was securely held in his hands, as he walks towards Revan.

"So you are the new Protecter... Seeing your current state I can't help but feel pitiful towards you," he said coldly.
"What do you want from me? Release me!" Revan shouted as he struggles to free himself from the rope.
"What do I want you say!?" His face turned into a maniacal smile.

"You want to know what you self-proclaimed Protecters did to me? Heh, I'll tell you everything, alright. And you will soon know how filthy and heartless beings you Protecters are," he said, as Revan gulped nervously.


It was 500 years ago, when a young teenage boy was training with his father. They were dueling using the Karayami Jutsu. The boy skillfully and swiftly evades the attacks launched by his father.

"Come on, is this all you got? Go on, attack me!" The father gleefully said.

The boy laughed as he started to charge at the father. They dueled for a few more moments while letting droplets of sweat roll down their face and body.

Fast as lightning and bold as fire, they fought. Yet in the climax of their duel, when the  boy had almost won, an arrow pierced through his father's chest. His smile faded as blood splashed from the father's chest.

He rushed to his father, kneeling down while keeping his head low. He didn't want the attacker to see his father's  demise. Not when he is around.

"Who are you? Why did you kill my father!?" The boy demanded answers.
"Your father will be the one reigning destruction upon the clans! The only way to stop him, is murder." A heavy voice replied.
"Still, you have no right to do this!"
"I have all the rights, young lad. The Micalic had foreseen his fate, and as a Protecter, it is my duty to eliminate all threats at once!"

The boy twitched. Grief was replaced by hatred. He shall not accept this. This so called 'Protecter' is taking away the innocent life of his father because of this 'Micalic'.

But before he becomes more enraged, the attacker had dissapeared into the air, never to be seen again.

Since that day on, the boy made an oath to destroy every single trace of the Micalic and the Protecters as revenge. Everything happened so suddenly. He haven't the time to think it all through. His heart was turned to stone, and there is nothing that can prevent him from fulfilling his oath.


The atmosfer became eerie and chilly. Revan couldn't stand the cold, and can't help but shiver uncontrollably. The man took notice of this and evilly grinned.

"Have you, young Protecter by any chance know about the Khirah Curse?" He said.
"Khirah Curse... The c- curse to punish th- those who used the Micalic to f- foresee fate, without proper p- preparation and permission," Revan automatically answered while stammering from the cold.
"Oh, how smart you are. The curse to deliver eternal pain and suffering, marked with the planting of Ximren. Now see what I'm conjuring here?"

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